Life Update || Where I've Been Since June

Published 2022-01-01
🎬Filmed 12.02.2021

Hey guys! Sorry to spring such a bummer video with some heavy topics on you with no warning. Like I said though in my video, I wanted to get this out there and just let you in on my life. All of you are so wonderful and have sent me such kind messages that have really made my day. It really does feel like we're friends. It makes sense to me to share these things with you so that I can come back and start to move forward. It was hard to just share these things in an Instagram message and unload it that way on those of you that reached out. So I hope you understand my decision to just put it out into the world in this format.

I hope that you understand. I may not have always explained myself well during this video, but like I said my thoughts were just kind of all over the place and I did the best I could to communicate them.

Some days are so much easier than others, but I have grieved my losses and I'm ready to come back to my hobby that brings me so much joy. In no way do I ever want to forget my baby, because it was a very wanted and loved baby, and I don't think it's something that anyone ever forgets. I don't know if I vocalized that piece well in my video.

So, this video was filmed on 12.02 like I said and I have taken the time to be with my husband and family during this difficult time. My husband and I talked about sharing this part of our lives online and we each agreed that this would be good and a part of the healing process. I am only bringing this up, because my original plan was to upload this at the beginning of December and then start posting regular makeup content in January 2022. Obviously that plan did not work out. My husband had a bit of a scare and had to be admitted to the hospital in the beginning of December for A-Fib. He's fine now and back to his routine, but I wanted to be fully there for him during that time. That also happened after I filmed this and I just could not bring myself to sit down and film this video again. I still want to start uploading regular content in January 2022. I just don't want it to seem like I'm rushing or brushing these things off.

Again, I just really thank you all for your continued love and support especially during my absence. I want 2022 to be a much better year and I am ready for it.

All Comments (21)
  • It’s so good to see you ♥️ I’m so sorry for your loss, Hayleigh, and can’t imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you’ve been on for the last few months. Just know that you are loved and supported in this community and we welcome you back with open arms. Stay strong ♥️
  • @DanniesMakeup
    I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s a lot of stressful things happening all at once. I’m glad you’ve been taking the time to care for yourself.
  • @foo_pans1801
    I feel bad that you felt like you couldn't share your bad things without qualifying that you're grateful for what you have 😞 Everyone has bad times and it's not a competition over who has it worse. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've definitely missed your content and am glad you are back!
  • @freckledklutz
    Damn so sorry for your loss. Grief is not something that has a timeline so do everything gently. And I really hope that YouTube can be a creative outlet for you again! Glad that your family and house are doing better. Big hugs you were missed for sure!
  • Hey Hayleigh! Lovely to see you. You are totally right. Stuff gets less painful with time for sure, it's always good to think of that. 🥰
  • @jodij6280
    So glad to hear from you and know that you're okay. So sorry you've gone through such a hard time but venting truly does help us heal. Looking forward to future videos.
  • @beyondpenka
    Hi Haylie, I'm so happy you are back, I really missed your videos. I want to say that I'm so sorry for your loss and I couldn't stop crying the whole time. I truly feel for you 💔. I had an ectopic pregnancy an year and a half ago and I still cry myself to sleep sometimes. It's tough. My baby was going to be due in May too, but it wasn't meant to be. Stay strong and sharing and talking about it does make it feel better. Much love ❤
  • @SkeletonQueen
    Its so nice to see your face, but mostly I wish I could just give you a hug.
  • Oh baby girl! How I wish that I could hold your hand or hug you. I cannot understand what y’all went through, but I am here for you.
  • @awesomeempties
    im so sorry for your loss hayleigh. im glad you were able to take the time that you needed to grieve and come back at your own pace. its good to see you back.
  • I am so sorry you had to go through that. But I am also happy you were able to get it out. It's good to have you back! 😊
  • @EdenBaynes
    So sorry for your loss 🦋 sending you so much love ❤️
  • @emilynmax
    I am so sorry for your loss Hayleigh! That is so hard to work through. I am happy to see you on my feed again
  • @lauraforce
    I've had to watch this a few times because I feel like i needed to 1. hear your voice a couple times 🤣 but 2. think about what i want to say to you. First, I am happy to hear your dad is doing well! I am happy yu were able to help your family out while your dad was recovering. Next, my heart is breaking all over for you hearing the news of you pregnancy. There is nothing I can do or say that will grasp the loss you and your husband must be feeling. Completely understandable that this next 12 months is going to be difficult, especially as you mentioned, you planned on milestones that you won't be able to celebrate. If you need anything, ANYTHING at all, I'm always here for you, my Soul Sister.
  • @lucyandstuff
    I’m so happy to see you again, I’m so sorry for your loss their is absolutely no words. Sending you a big hug 💕
  • @tmjd79
    It's good to see your face. I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through. Peace and love to you.
  • @mogook5379
    I'm so sorry for your loss. 😢😭 The sadness you are feeling/felt is valid. And I totally understand why you needed the break.
  • @marissam6018
    I missed your videos while you were gone, but I'm so happy you took the time you needed! Please don't feel bad for doing what you needed to and taking a break to take care of yourself! ❤
  • @SarahMcNabb16
    Hi all of this is totally understandable. Sorry to hear about your loss and I hope you are minding yourself. Also, thank you for sharing!!