Unhinged Spelunky Moments

Published 2022-11-20

All Comments (21)
  • @HitsuuVR
    Even though I have absolutely NO CLUE what's going on in Spelunky, these videos are fucking hilarious
  • The existential crisis with the platform in the temple needs to become a twitch emote. The 3 looping states of misery.
  • This game is just constant tension. There's not a single moment where you'll ever feel safe in this game because of how everything moves like a scared spider in your bathtub and everything has the capability of stunlocking you into an instant kill source that ignores extra lives. Good thing I don't have to be the one playing it.
  • @kuroiuzu9754
    dudes getting the Gluck Gluck double handed deep throat vacuum twist at the start of the video
  • @b4l333
    I'm so unbelievably dogshit at this game so i'm always glad to play it vicariously through albungo
  • @R4_FeoDor0
    14:49 is just how, how is the crush block able to do this, what kind of evil force is controlling this game ⚰️
  • @strikermodel
    If you were a VOD Chad such as myself, you would have seen there was a second part to the neko hostage. He said if someone donated 6 subs, he would hard end the run on the spot no matter how deep he was in, and go kill the neko. you have no idea how much I was hoping a chat member would wait until he got to CO and then donate the 6 subs to force him to end the run. (He edited the 6 subs part out for obvious reasons in this video.)
  • 0:05 My Vietnam war Grandfather after my headphones unplugged for a second when playing COD and it plays on the speakers
  • @Renteks-
    16:38 this is like crossing the road and having one of the big fuckoff american cars that weigh like 20 tons shoot past you at like 100 kmph and miss you by like an inch, with so much force that just the wind from it knocks you over
  • Never thought my morning would be started with watching my favorite Norwegian gamer play Spunky till he sounds like an old man getting head, but here we are
  • @Aaxoz
    Cool man for mentioning Hectique, I wish you good luck for your future attempts in becoming space dots