The Day Before copying other game trailers

Published 2023-11-01

All Comments (21)
  • @NikTek
    Before clicking this Video, I was thinking surely they can’t be copied but they copied word for word exactly what Rockstar Games and CDPR did on their Trailers. If this is lazy Trailer design, imagine the game optimisation laziness
  • @dave___
    I swear when I was watching TDB trailer and it got to "to ensure that combat deep and engaging at all times" and showed a guy shooting some NPCs with 0 feedback or reaction from the enemy in what looked to be the most boring gunfight I've ever seen I knew that wasn't written by a human.
  • The AI voice is so absolutely cringe, you know they don’t give a tooth about the game if they don’t even hire a real Voice Actor for something small like I don’t know… THE GAME TRAILER
  • @XxXK1770rD13XxX
    Absolutely guaranteed this was generated by chatgpt or something along those lines. The blatant rips are honestly admirable, I applaud their boldness.
  • @ExtraCritty
    one voice actor should just make a voice over template that will fit any and all game trailers. You just take pieces from it that fit your game. Boom done for every game to ever come out.
  • @juanmena2705
    The funny thing here is that at least the games from the trailers they copied came out complete and were successful.
  • @TheLeadZebra
    Cutting from rockstars "realistic recoil" to that shot hit so hard
  • @xIDarkSideIx
    You can spot like 4 places from the division in about 20seconds... Also uses there assets/map details along with dying lights
  • @NotLaSimia
    Lesson learned: Don't say in a videogame trailer "Welcome to the next generation of videogames".
  • @lilfuzzballa
    The game probably exists, but with the fact that it's an indie studio with like 2 janky indie games under their belt, all of a sudden taking on an "ambitious, open world, MMO, next gen, survival game," makes it unlikely that they have the skills and experience to actually do it. They are mid level devs (at best) that use asset flips, vertical slices, pre rendered trailers, copying trailers, copying Division promo image, bait and switch downgrades, and now using an AI narrator that's reading off almost word for word other game narration scripts... As if their unimpressive track record of previous games wasn't enough to worry about, all these other examples just paints a clearer picture that they have hardly any experience. Hell, they clearly don't even have any money to hire a real voice actress to narrate or someone to write an original script for their own game. But hey, now they'll cash in off the hype and curiosity IF (big IF) it launches in early access. It's going to be a complete train wreck and fall way below expectations, but they'll probably be given the excuse of "It's early access guys, it's not finished yet." It's like no...I don't think they ever had the man power, resources, or skill to achieve anything greater than the product you got. Whatever condition the game is in during early access will most likely be their full potential, and it will stay in early access for years.
  • @w12266
    "The End" Goodbye losers who bought this game.
  • @BigUps147
    truly a game to surpass gta v, rdr2 and cyberpunk 2077
  • @zerozeroone4424
    So glad i'm not the only one who had flashbacks to the woman voicing those old GTA V trailers
  • @liamvermaak982
    The thing that bothered me the most about this trailer was the lack of the "Garand ping" when reloading...commented as much, 2 days later, trailer now has ping...they can fix that, but can't make a proper game...
  • @J_C_CH
    The survivor colony in the game is literally called Woodbury as well 😂