Hiyoko Saionji: How Danganronpa Wasted An Amazing Character (CHARACTER ANALYSIS)

Published 2024-06-09
Music Used: Climax Reasoning - Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc

Gavin Sogetsu Winning Theme - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Gavin Sogetsu Theme - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Climax Theme 5 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

All Comments (21)
  • Hiyoko really said "I don't want to die a meaningless death!" then died a meaningless death. queen shit or something
  • @LuigiTSG
    Dude this analysis DEFINITELY increased my love for Hiyoko, she was pretty far down on my list initially, but eventually climbed the ranks over time. Now I can definitely say Hiyoko is higher than half all of the other characters for me now. I agree she couldve been handled a lot better, but youve showed a lot of reason behind why you love her, and it's so nice to see. Absolutely well done and amazingly crafted video! Your editing is super nice and the research youve made is outstanding and helps all of your points you make, Awesome work dude! I cant wait to see more! :D
  • @tamanakio7552
    Hiyoko is probably my favorite character in all of fiction, and analyzing her character lead me to the same conclusions you reached in part 1 One of the most interesting things in my opinions is that Hiyoko and Mikan are two sides of the same coin: both were heavily bullied in their childhood but grew up from it in completely different ways. Hiyoko started to be scared of getting attached, because it could end up hurting her, so in an attempt to prevent that from happening, she sabotages any relationship she could have and pushes people away as much as she can. On the contrary, it seems as if mikan enjoys the attention she gets from her bullies, as it's the only form of love she has been shown. She purposefully initiates opportunities to get bullied because either people would jump on the occasion and give her attention or pity her and give her attention. She's a winner in either case, but still complains about being bullied. I think that's what pisses off hiyoko the most about her: while hiyoko became "strong" by pushing everyone away, mikan intentionally is "weak" by calling everyone in to bully her. Hiyoko probably just does not understand why someone would refuse to grow stronger and hates her for that, because she's the opposite of everything she's worked for, and it WORKS. Mikan IS beloved. A weak person who refuses to grow stronger has more positive bonds than hiyoko ever had, and she cannot understand how or why. In conclusion I like hiyoko and mikan because both of them are literally me fr fr
  • @elleimo
    One thing I enjoy about fanmade danganronpa games is that they're able to flesh out characters that are similar to someone from the canon games. Two characters I've seen specifically compared to Hiyoko are Arei Nageishi from Danganronpa Despair Time and Hibiki Otonokoji from Super Danganronpa Another 2. I don't really want to spoil too much in case anyone reading this is interested in watching DRDT or SDRA2, but I do want to say that I enjoyed how, despite the fact that they both had similar personalities to Hiyoko, they both had different backstories as to why they act that way. Arei's backstory is probably still somewhat comparable to Hiyoko's, but different nonetheless. It's still disappointing to see how Hiyokos character was mishandled, but it's also interesting to see how danganronpa fans are able to write similar characters and give them the redemption we never got from Hiyoko.
  • Ooh I was so glad to find this, as someone whose favorite character in the game is Hiyoko (with her being number 2 across the entire franchise).
  • @sleepiepee
    hiyoko is also my favorite character in the franchise and it was really nice to hear someone else talk about it and you definitely explained it perfectly! i’m still so upset over her death and the mishandling of her character arc, but like you said, maybe that’s the point. the point of the game is to make you feel despair, and at least for me that point definitely got across. it does make me a bit sad though that we have plenty of other mean and possibly irredeemable characters who are held in much higher regard than hiyoko, but in a way that makes me love her more.
  • this is very well made, i like hiyoko and wish that she had gotten ot more character development
  • @Cub-Htf
    dont u dare to compare the kind and funny hifumi to that terutero dude again my guy 💀💀💀 (amazing video otherwise I rly like Hiyoko as well)
  • @kiwikarp9509
    I'm...conflicted about Sonia dying in Hiyoko's place. On paper it makes sense, she's pretty underultilized and barely gets any character development. But doing it without changing the story turns her into a prop that dies for the sake of other characters. I would only be cool with Sonia dying in chapter 3 if she got something that improves HER character before hand, otherwise it feels like she gets fridged.
  • @_sylsplace_
    HIYOKO TRUTHER SINCE THE START !! This was great, love seeing people give more light to her character and potential
  • @cheziechezo5607
    Got recommended this even though it's been yearrsss since I've played danganronpa; and yess!! Hiyoko was my favorite character as a kid, I really wish she had more time to develop, at least she contributed to the last case even though she wasn’t there for it
  • @meestorpheesh
    i did not like hiyoko at all during the main story but my affection increased for her greatly after doing her free time events in one of the extra modes, i could tell there was a lot of depth there just not visible through the main story. i am now a hiyoko truther. i am so glad someone else is spreading the good word of hiyoko
  • @zookeeps1340
    (spoilers for Danganronpa: V3) This is kind of my two cents on the entire Angie also being killed off in a spur of the moment, but I actually think it kind of makes sense? as Angie throughout the entire story operates almost purely on fact/logic (yes she does manipulate others via love-bombing but think in the class trials I mean it was her to point out in ch2 that Himiko could possibly be the killer). And I think that this works because of who the other victim is, Tenko someone who thinks only with her own emotion (i.e "Himiko can't be the killer cos uhhh lesbian!") and I think its a very interesting narrative choice to have Tenko someone whose actions are dictated purely by her own emotion be killed in a pre-meditated logistical murder, whilst Angie someone who only ever thought by using logic was killed just because Korekiyo wanted to do a "silly little teehee murder" (which one could argue was done more-so out of emotion than logic seeing as his cover-up job is barely decent at best) pretty much I think that the way they go out is so interesting because it is the polar opposite of well who Tenko and Angie were as people, I am also aware that especially Angie is very much disliked (as stated in the video) but honestly I feel like most of the dislike is unwarranted or for stupid reasons, yes Angie is not a perfect person but she is also (to my recollection) THE ONLY STUDENT in the entire franchise to attempt to stop the killing game (and yes ik that Celeste in the 1st game did try to implement some rules and stuff but she also lied about Taka physically attacking her, and killed 2 people, so clearly she isnt really the best other example for that, compared to Angie who yet again is not winning the person of the year award, but Angie is nowhere near as scummy as someone like Celeste, yes Angie is a liar, yes Angie might through people under the bus, but all of it comes from a most likely well intentioned place with her using her logic to get to point x but not understading that with the lack of emotion that reaching point x may hurt someone along the way, if that makes sense, I honestly did not realise how much I have to say on Angie)
  • @yandere_1452
    Hiyoko is super up in my ranks, I adore her and they gave her the Taka treatment to a T
  • I feel like this vid made me appreciate Hiyoko more tbh- This is a great analysis video yo 🗣‼️
  • @KyloGram
    In my opinion, the best substitute for Hiyoko’s death would have been… no one. Just don’t have a second victim. Make it just Ibuki. Sure the first game started the third trial-double victim trend, but it was the second game that made it a trend. There’s no reason they could’ve just, not done that. If there’s just one victim, then DR2 can just end up with 6 survivors like the first game. I think that’s the best solution.