The Rapture How I went from Pre Trib to Post Trib

Published 2023-08-29
I was taught the Rapture was at the beginning of a 7 year Tribulation Period, but after careful research I discovered that view was not accurate. And after reading the scriptures on the subject, and books by many authors on the issue, I learned the Rapture ( The Return of Christ and our gathering to meet Him in the air, on His way back to earth to rule and reign ) comes at the Last Trumpet, and the end of the Great Tribulation. We can trust that God can and will protect the Elect while the Wrath of God is poured out on those who have rejected Him, and received the mark of the beast. Something I'll be addressing in future videos.

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All Comments (21)
  • I never believed in pre-trib but started studying pre- wrath which made more sense but not completely. Now I'm studying post - trib which answers a lot more of my questions about the timing of the rapture .
  • @chrispicquet733
    I have been chosen for many years now. I became an atheist in jr high school after i realized as a kid that The Catholic Church was not of God! The Lord searched me out and showed me that he is real! The Rapture Theory was concocted in 1830. In my experience,those that are pre trib rapturists are very fearful people.most have Embraced that theory to avoid unpleasant things that might happen to them. I have always known that i will have to lay my life down for the Lord,as he laid his life down for me!
  • @Ziggy623
    I came to the knowledge a neighbor man told me that there was no such thing as a pre-tribulation that we were taught my false teachers so I went on my journey of digging to see what the truth wise. Yes, I found the truth. We will be here for this tribulation. We will be either martyred or thrown in prison as the word says, or even beheaded, if we do not deny our Lord and Savior as a Christian and overcome, I repeat, overcomes he mentions it quite a few times in the Bible, the patience of the saints, or the overcome the persecution or the tribulation. He even tells us he won’t blot our name out of the book of life. That tells me that you could lose your salvation. If you take the mark of the beast by choice as a Christian, you lose your salvation. If you do not repent of your sins, you lose your salvation he says he will plead with his father to keep your name in the book of life, I suggest you repent of your sins and have faith in him. Stay strong, never deny his name we are about to go through the worst of the worst that earth has ever seen those who, overcome, and have patience will see the glory, the new earth, the new heaven, and live with our Lord and Savior. God bless, stay strong.
  • @vee_emm_jay_ess
    One thing I see with pre-trib believers is that they add their logic to scripture rather than accept it for what it is. I watched a video of a pre-trib doctrine where the guy admits that he doesn't want to be here for the tribulation, none of us do. However, Jesus teaches us not to fear such events and to lift our heads up when we see such events because it is a sign that our redemption draws near. Pre-tribbers forget the fact that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love and a sound mind. On top of that, Pslams, Proverbs and more provide a massive number of passages that reveal how God will protect us from evil such as Proverbs 10:25, Psalm 12:7, Psalm 37:34 and Proverbs 2:7-8 among many. God bless!
    Love these vids warning the body of Christ that we will face not God's wrath but rather the Great tribulation!
  • @Alaskalin
    God poured out His wrath for sin when Christ was on the cross. When we believe in Jesus, Christ is within us. Why would God punish Christ twice for sin when He pours out His wrath on the people of earth during the Tribulation?
  • @michaelmewis4761
    @Kman thank you for your reply, I will study it further. If there is no pre-trib rapture then how do we survive the seven years without the mark? Do we all starve to death because we won't take the mark?
  • @TrueBlueYou
    What man would allow his bride to be abused before his wedding? Not one. Jesus takes the bride to a safe place to marry her before the appointed wrath. That cross around your neck tells me that you’re religious. That’s all I need to know.
  • @Lumpschlevot
    You quoted the second coming of Christ. The rapture (harpazo) is a separate event that happens before the seven years of tribulation. John is actually telling the story of the tribulation from heaven, with the church behind him. The church is not mentioned after the 3rd chapter of Revelation. If the rapture comes at the end of tribulation, what is Christ saving his bride from? and are they to immediately turn around and return with Christ when they meet up with him in the air?
  • @cornelrizea8682
    How do you explain Revelation 19:21 ("And the rest were killed with the sword ..... ")??? If the believers will be raptured Post-Trib, and at that time "the rest will be killed" (ie. those who took the mark of the beast), then there will be no human beings left on earth to transition into the Millennial Kingdom ....... I'm a Pre-Trib believer for this reason as well as other scripture / context. ......... God Bless!!!
  • @seasquawker
    We see a consistency of there being a resurrection, a gathering, a redemption, a rest, a deliverance which comes after the abomination of desolation and after the Great Tribulation... but before God's wrath and vengeance in flaming fire from heaven. The Bible is consistent on this. Revelation 6- 7, 8:1-7 Joel 2:31-32 2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10 Isaiah 26:19-21 Luke 17:29-30 Matthew 24:29-31 Luke 21:25-28 Mark 13:24-27 Daniel 7:21-28 Daniel 11:31- 12:3 Paul teaches this to the church. Romans 10:12-13 Paul points them to this deliverance in Joel 2:32 which has signs immediately preceding, and that matches Revelation 6:12-14. Paul again points to a resurrection in Ephesians 5:14 while quoting Isaiah 60:1. This resurrection is occurring on a day of deep darkness, Isaiah 60:2. This matches Joel 2:2-3 and Zephaniah 1:15 which are "Day of the Lord" passages. And Paul seemingly links the resurrection and rapture to the "Day of the Lord" in 1st Thessalonians 4:15- 5:10. Remove the chapter break which did not exist in the original letter and this should be plainly obvious. "Concerning the times and the seasons" Concerning the times and the seasons of what? What was just being discussed? This "times and seasons" phrase is also borrowed from Acts 1:6-7 concerning the return of Christ. So the return of Christ which the resurrection and rapture will take place on (Luke 17:29-30) will take place just before the Day of Vengeance commences... even on the same day. 2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10. Paul is addressing church age saints here. These same words and teachings would apply to us. Even the term "innumerable multitude too many to be counted" is an idiom for the children of Abraham. Not according to the flesh, but according to faith and the Spirit. John 3:3-8. Genesis 13:16 Hebrews 11:12-16 Numbers 23:9-10 Romans 9:6-8 Galatians 3:3-9 Who is able to stand? Revelation 6:17 Psalm 76:7-9 Malachi 3:2 Nahum 1:6 Joel 2:10-11 These are: Revelation 7:9 Luke 21:34-36
  • @Kman.
    Your Username should clue you in as to what I Thess 5 tells us, which is we ARE not of the night. "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." I Thess 5:5 and also verse 8 states the same. The text identifies the TRIBULATION being that period of darkness that we, as believers, will have NO part in.
  • @chrispicquet733
    Jesus said," there is no greater love,than one laying down his life for his friends!"
  • @Dobrulez70
    Did the Holy Spirit tell you “post trib” one should examine one self trust and allow the spirit of God lead them through His word
  • @Billyvanesa8533
    What will happen when a born-again Christian is presented with the reality of either taking the mark of the beast or refusing and suffering the consequences? Can a Christian in that time accept the mark and retain Salvation or do they lose it?
  • Some "believers" love Bungee Jumping - post Tribulation rapture. Then, it is not necessary to be raptured. For what purpose of rapture??????????????????
  • @user-fl5ar9iv5s
    what verse did Jesus and Paul say to the gentile believers that they would have to suffer and must endure in the coming great tribulation?
  • @douganderson9620
    The second coming in Mathew and the being caught up (rapture) of the Church the Body of Christ in 1st Thes. 4:16-18, are two different events. We must rightly divide the word of truth as taught to us by our apostle of the gentiles, Paul, in 2nd Tim. 2:15.
  • Keep up the great work you are doing! Keep speaking the Truth! Continue to debunk the Scofield/Darby teaching and may the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit be upon you as you bring the truth concerning our Lord Jesus return! Blessings upon you and I'll see you on the other side!