this video has 27458 comments.

Published 2024-03-01

All Comments (21)
  • @LonelySandwich
    last reply on this comment gets free sandwich :_bigeyes:
  • If this comment gets 1k likes i will go to north korea and record it Edit: we got 1k likes but i need pack and buy ticket so no really fast
  • @lveigasantos
    man, this channel made the best comments type videos, deleting the channel if it gets some comments, this guy really knows how to get people to comment
  • @pyboi
    The title wont change
  • @DanBigian
    "Lonely sandwitch here!" Never gets old
  • @brutal.xd6969
    Definately the editors are gonna cry to edit it several times
  • @Memka_xLeBka
    Somewhere a lonely sandwich changes the title of this video(
  • @ChrisMiIes
    It’s impossible for the number of comments to not be the amount in the video
  • They do be working 24/7 with this one 🔥🔥🔥 Edit: it just changed instantly when I refreshed it-
  • Everyone, stop watching this, I dont mean to be a "hater" but he fakes his videos for views and money. This is like all his other videos like he said "if this video gets twenty comments ill delete my channel" and guess what? He kept on deleting my comments over and over. Seriously yall, a NINE year old will fall for this. I do not care if you hate on me and reply to my comment with NINE year old roasts but please PLEASE know hes using you for views and do not believe him. I am doing this for your own good, this is time-wasting. Also, I dont mean to be the bot who says "read the terms of conditions first" and then you just skip it but please read it all, it well help you massively. Also, thank you for your time.
  • @posterzhandle
    why isnt his channel deleted if you use inspect element and mess around a bit you can see all the comments on his 10 comments video
  • @Nico7C7
    Well the title says 26587 but for me it says 26586 so…