HOW TO WRITE A BOOK IN 30 DAYS ✏️📖 | win nanorwrimo2022 | tips and novel planning

Published 2022-10-11
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hi everyone! today i will be giving you a huge tutorial on how to win nanowrimo by writing a 50K story under 30 days! in today's video i have collaborated with to give you the best opportunity to tackle your novels in the month of november this year!

please watch in 1060 HD🎧

-- listen to my new podcast on spotify ♡…

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FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES ♡ [email protected]

-- FAQ: ♡
how old am i? i am 18 years old ♡
what country to I live in? i live in australia ♡
what is my name? my full name is anastasia ♡
what do i study? i'm in (first year) law-school ♡
when did i start youtube? i started in late 2016 ♡
my fav book? piranesi by clarke and strange the dreamer by taylor ♡
my writing software: google docs ♡
what keyboard do i have? razer huntsman mini 60% mercury edition (red switch) - below is the link to the exact keyboard i got! ♡

my keyboard:…

-- edited with: Adobe Premier Pro.
camera: Canon G7x mark ii

-- song credit: YouTube Music, Music by heiWr - Wonderful Time -, Music by Mr. Jello - Summer Sunday -, Music by STUDIO BEYOND - Love Week -

-- tags: #writer #writing #authortube #writertube #booktube #author #bookwriting #book #novel #novel #writinganovel #bookish #bookhaul #bookreaction #writingreaction #reactingto #memes #writermemes #authormemes #writerstruggles #strugglesasawriter #authorstruggles #teenauthor #teenwriter #teenwriting #teenagewriter #writing2022#writing #writer #authortube #write2022 #writingin2022 #startanovel #howtowriteanovel #writingvlog #writertips #authortips #authoradvice #youngauthor #writeradvice #characterdevelopment #designcharacters #characterdesign #creatingcharacters #artbreeder #art #originalcharacters #drawing #3dart #3ddigitalart #creative #homevlog #homebody #tutorial #writingtutorial

current sub count: 31.4K

All Comments (21)
  • @dziiyuh7260
    I just started writing my own book thanks to your videos!! they give me so much motivation!
  • @LoloBaker
    YES AN ANA VIDEO! I’m so excited. And we get two today?! Im ready to win nano!
  • @spikescryptz
    you're my favorite on author-tube you give me sm motivation :)
  • @moonachu1782
    Heyy Ana! I recently started watching ur videos and they gave me motivation to start writing! I'm a beginner and I'm in year 6 aka 6th grade, so don't expect much. Here is some if my story! It was a cloudy, wet night in the city of Zayut. The streetlights gleamed along with the moon's blue shine of light. Clouds covered the beauty of the starry skies, showing nothing but patches of darkness. The trees danced in the strong breeze, the leaves holding on for their dear lives. And the howling wind pushed the water of the Rinhull Waterfall. It was exactly 1:34 in the morning and a woman, who was wearing a beautiful looking funeral dress, a hat with a stylish rose on it, thigh high boots and an umbrella was walking through the freezing rain and the powerful breeze that could make a child fly. She walked faster, and faster, and faster and then she stopped at an alleyway. The alleyway was all soaked and drenched with rainwater and garbage. It stank very badly, she wanted to vomit right there, right then. She gagged, she gagged a big gag. Suddenly, and surprisingly, she ran down the alleyway holding her breath. Imagine seeing a lady with a long dress and boots with heels who looks like she's going to a funeral  running through a disgusting, nasty alleyway filled with rainwater. Doesn't happen a lot, does it? It just makes her look quite suspicious and mysterious. Luckily it was late, so nobody would ever see her or even think about her. She made a sudden stop. A stop for breath. For air. For oxygen. The woman scoffed. "What kind of alleyway is this long?"  Her silky light blue messy-ish hair started to get a bit wet, mainly because her umbrella was currently trying to fly away into another world full of freedom, along with the hat trying to fly with it.  "Stupid weather!" she hissed. "Where is this wall that them idiots told me to go to?"  A wall? This lady ran into an alleyway filled with garbage and animal poop just for a wall? And idiots? Who are the idiots? Drug dealers? Murderers? Kidnappers? Or maybe a childish little colouring club? Only she and the so-called idiots knew where this specific wall was, and what this club or gang was doing.  Recently, there have been a lot of relevant people being killed all over Zayut, such as the Princess, the prime minister and the police.( nobody really knew why ). It was as if somebody, or a variety of people wanted to demolish the humble city.  Or they were just trying to make the city a better place, by doing it incorrectly.  After a good 12 minutes of searching for The Wall, she finally found it. There was a code on the wall, a not so obvious looking code that camouflaged with the bricks. " If I can remember properly, the code should be 6309." She spoke to herself. It worked, and suddenly the brick wall opened and showed what seemed to be a laboratory filled with people and weapons. Weapons such as blades, guns, bombs, knives and bows. There were a variety of weapons everywhere, and a man was washing his bloody hands in the sink. " Greetings, my fellow assassins!" she exclaimed. "The new Queen has arrived!"  " So this the new lady? A fashionable bratty woman?" a man questioned, disappointed. "What's your name, Miss Diva?" The woman sighed and ignored what he said when he first saw her appearance. " My name is Tashko, but I go by the name Mavis. What about you, little crap?" "I'm not gonna waste my breath on you…!" He whispered.  " OH, jealous or scared?"  "Neither. Just upset that a woman who is caught up in the latest trends and doesn't seem like a killer nor a spy is with us." the man said in a not so trusting tone.  "Anyways, boss, where are the rooms where I go show you what I have got?" Mavis interrupted. " I want to show that foolish menace that I can murder a cheetah."  "There!"  The man pointed to a red door.  "Everyone!" The man shouted. "Get in the testing room, we gotta see what that woman has got!"  He had a very rough and loud voice. "Keep it down, you're gonna wake the innocents up!" Mavis whispered. "Hey honey, the room is soundproof so you got nothin to worry about!" a lady with dark skin and vibrant-ish red hair spoke. "Hope you get a good partner, I'm stuck with a smart but annoying man!"  "HEY! I'M NOT ANNOYING!" a random man shouted from across the room. "BUT THANKS FOR THAT SWEET COMPLIMENT ABOUT ME BEING SMART!" "HAHA! Oh sometimes he could be a little adorable, but i don't love him! Remember that ok!" commanded the red headed girl. "I'll never say a single thing about you two!" Mavis replied, chuckling. "By the way, what is your name? And the name you go by?"
  • @maddieee777
    HI Ana thank you for this video I totally needed pls do more writing lives I beg bc theyre so fun! I am plotting my novel and needed these tips so thank you so much and want to read Ghost!
  • The exact video my sister and I need! We're joining NaNoWriMo for the first time, and we're joining it together :D I'll be writing the 1st draft of the 2nd book in my series, and she'll be working on a standalone ❤
  • I'm writing a book for Nanowrimo as well and I'm so excited. Thank you so much for the tips Ana, you are amazing! This is going to help me so much! 😊💕
  • omg ana ur shirt is soo cute and u look rlly pretty today as always <3
  • I am looking forward to doing NaNo this year so much :D can't wait to start and I am hyping myself up with making some sketches of my OCs from the project :)
  • @RedGingham
    I think this November I’m just gonna try to finish the first draft of the book I’d been working on instead of starting a new project yet again 😭
  • Been trying and failing at winning Nano for 10 years now, this is finally the year I succeed!
  • @QueenViolet
    as someone who lives in Alberta, I'm glad to say finally someone is writing a story with a setting in Alberta.
  • @semi5330
    Hi Ana! I'm a new subscriber!! I want to suggest that you could do a how-to plan a book series? I've been longing to plot a novel but don't know how. Your channel is an inspiration to new writers!! xoxo