Obama-Spread the wealth around

Published 2008-10-13

All Comments (21)
  • "I think when you spread COMMON SENSE around, it's good for everyone." -Adrian Solorio
  • @Sylonth
    Spread the wealth around? Fine. Spread the work around. Everyone works.
  • @Pathfinder211
    At least he finally spoke the truth and was detailed on part of his glorious economic plan.
  • @skibumwilly1895
    In “Inheriting an Abundant Earth” a simple rule tweak on inheritance ends up changing the direction and purpose of modern human life! It's something specific we can demand. Are we really just this close to having it work right? Oh yeah, it's a Ski movie! Watch “Inheriting an Abundant Earth” (“Occupying Chairlifts” 5.0) then sign the petition, and share it!!
  • @rackets00
    "if I go to Canada, I won't hear "Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish" like I do here" You're right, in Canda it's more like: Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Frances.
  • @rustygaver
    WOW! The guy asking the question, looked at Obama like....Are you fucking crazy!! lol
  • @kipptumor
    Oh yeah - Trickle down has been such a great success in the past. Go be rich and hated - Rock on!!
  • To be honest, these parties have BOTH influenced me to be an independent voter from here on out. I was naive for ignoring them and writing them off as I had, silly me! It's too late to vote for McKinney this year unfortunately, but when I CAN register as an Independent, I will! And at least if I go to Canada, I won't hear "Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish" like I do here! The Dems AND Republicans used me and I was too blind to see it, but not anymore! Thank God I'm going Indy!
  • @flyinggeng
    I didn't know that you needed the government to tell you whether you are capable of fixing a sink or not. What else do you need the government to tell you you are capable of?
  • @nimbusaurus
    ACORN, (as well as all voter registration organizations) is bound BY LAW to submit all registrations they receive even if they suspect they're fraudulent. If ACORN were to throw out Mickey Mouse's voter registration then they would be breaking federal law.
  • @zeekyblahIV
    @narayanis the problem is, it's against the 10th Amendment for the Feds to do that. Other levels of government do have that power, but not the feds.
  • @dayson8
    Can someone please tell me what John McSame's economic plan is?
  • @bonzy11
    I hope this makes the rounds....wow.
  • @grandmastr99
    Yes you can deduct your businesses expenses by over 40 Years! You still get taxed on your investments into your own business and most small businesses owners like myself started sleeping on concrete while investing 90% of all earnings after taxes, less taxes would help me create more jobs.
  • @ParasiteQueen1
    Its not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that theyve got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economys good for folks from the bottom up, its gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, its good for everybody" ~Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber Obama=Socialist
  • @bunkosquad2000
    Me want free money. Me forgot to go to skool and learn nothin' Me no want work