Executes: Are They Unfair For The Game? | League of Legends

Published 2022-05-27
For today's ability discussion I'm gonna be talking about Executes in League of Legends, and whether they're unfair for the game or completely fine.

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#LoL #Abilities #Executes

All Comments (21)
  • @Hail_Fire
    I’m so happy with this video. I was the wiki editor who created the distinction between “% Of Missing Hp” & “% Missing HP” abilities. Personally, I feel like "% of Missing Hp" executes are fine, but "Percent Health Missing" abilities can be much more frustrating as they are very potent burst tools and are commonly associated with being one-shot.
  • @eydis9554
    By the way do you remember veigar when his ult scales from 80% of ENEMY AP? So if the enemy mage is fed, the more likely he will oneshot it. Imagine having that in 2022.
  • @FSSmash
    My only problem for executes as a cho'gath is I swear I can never walk up and eat 'em before they run.
  • 2 points I’d like to make… playing Cho’Gath you can see the execute range, playing against Chogath you have no clue. There’s a lack of clarity. Pyke having a reset on his execute is the one thing that genuinely pisses me off
  • @Ragnarok927
    Just make the execute range visible like how it is on Elder dragon if the champ has hit you recently. Problem Solved IMO.
  • Is it unfair? Maybe. Is it unfair if Draven has one? Ofcourse not. This is Draven's league.
  • I have a inner hatred for shields as a chogath main because when I ult someone like yasuo he doesn't die because his shield procs. I dunno its just a pet peeves of mine
  • @yoshi71249
    I think the best designed Execute is Urgot, it is a rather small but fast skill shot which makes is hard to land on higher range and the % threshhold is small enough that no one feel "unfaily killed" and it is a 2 part ability which gives u as the enemy enough time to react. The worst designed is Pyke. As a champion its "fair" in brackets but the dmg when the Ults executes is very high (late game most of the adcs die in one aa + r . It has a very little indicator (bigger if u use pyke w but thats kinda bs that the indicator for "u gonna die" is another ability) and its prob. the most frustrating . Finishers and Execute feel like the cherry on top of a kit or the ultimate move.... but beginning at lvl 6 pykes R is his kit and personality. Other then Urgot,Darius,Akshan where it is their last action
  • @azurclerx951
    Am I the only one shocked by the numbers on Garen’s R. I’ve never looked it up but 350 true damages + 35% of the target’s missing health as true damage on a point and click ability seem insane
  • @_VinSi
    Executes and finishers are also really pressuring in lane compared to buffing ultimates, if a garen for example wins a trade hard he always has the possibility to extend the trade into an all in and kill you, while somebody with a buffing ult will lose a lot of damage in the all in if he does that (ofc they still can, but it's not ideal). Basically champions with buffing ults have to fully commit and if they screw something they are fucked, champions with executes can just play normally and always have the treath of extending the trade into an all in, basically in some matchups where you only win long trades you might not be able to do them unless you fully commit
  • It depends on the ability. Executes themselves aren’t a problem but what is is the amount of them riot keeps shoving into the game unnecessarily.
  • @humzamirza1817
    Imma say something for Rek'sai, hers is a lot fairer and grouping it with Eve and Garen and Riven is unfair because her's, one, sucks, two, the timing can very easily be Zhonya'd, unlike a point blank Riven ult. And because she's a shape shifter, it's weaker than a lot of other ults because she needs to be balanced around having more abilities. And it requires hitting the target before using it, and the only way to do that without getting in the enemy's face is hitting a small, long range projectile where if the enemy is out of vision the only way you can know where they are is if they move, and even then the movement tracking refreshes very slowly,
  • @TheUmbranGeek
    The one problem I have w executes is that there is no indication on your end that you are within execute range of someone. Like the person executing gets to know but you don't. For frame of reference, I always use Thanatos from SMITE. When he ults he gets to see all the people he can execute but also while he's ulting anyone within execute range sees the indicator as well. That's literally all I want, is to have the indicator that they see be visible to me so I know whether I'm fine or not
  • @bigth98
    In my opinion when they removed the ability to qss + dash to remove a knockup was the worst thing to happen in league. It used to be that suppression was the best cc in the game and thus the kits that had it were balanced around it, along with the counterplay to the mechanic. However, many champions have knockups with varying durations. Even baron nashor has a knockup and a long one at that. The rational was that tenacity would apply to knockups which was stupid by definition (because champions with knockups rely on the knockups and their durations, so lowering the duration was bad for the champion that used them and removing the ability to cleanse it was bad for everyone else). I really wish they revert that change.
  • I was happy that you remembered Rek'Sai, but her ultimate does have counterplay/skill expression- if she wants to get you from range, she has to land Q, which can be very hard to do at times.
  • @Makorr1
    pyke is really the only one i'm really frustrated with and that's just because its an easy reset and it gives so much gold to the team and himself if it was just a kill and the reset or a single kill and no reset with the gold it would be much better i feel it would also force him into a much more support role since he would be much more difficult to carry but right now he has so much power balance in his ult but when you look at the rest of his kit it also has a ludicrous amount of power for the ult so IDK
  • @UsedToBeRonin
    Pyke's R having a reset is my main issue. Even with the 'your cut' changes, it being able to reset can give the enemy team way to much team gold to the point the match is over before you had time to even try to make a comeback.
  • @adamperdue3178
    I've personally got 2 major problems with executes- 1) It's very important to keep in mind that there are champions that perform better at low hp. Olaf (AS+LS scales off missing hp), Trynd (AD scales off missing hp), Vlad (heal scales off missing hp), Zac (his abilities do % current health damage but his blobs that he gets from them heal % max health, so the lower hp he is, the greater 'net heal' he gets from his blobs). Optimal play of these champions with certain builds requires that in fights you try to hover around a certain health threshold high enough so you don't get burst down but low enough that you're maximizing your kit (I main Vlad and Zac and this number's normally about 30-50% hp). Executes are hard counters to this playstyle. I wouldn't say it's unfair, since just about every playstyle occasionally faces mechanics that require you to play suboptimally in certain scenarios, but it does suck. 2) The true executes (Pyke and Urgot mostly, Draven's doesn't pose much of an issue) are coded to determine whether somebody can be executed before the hit actually connects (I THINK it's calculated as soon as you hit the button, but it's possible there's a specific frame in the animation that it calculates, but it's certainly not when the actual damage is applied). Obviously they ignore shields, as that's the point of them, but they also ignore any changes to hp that would put the champion back above execute range. Lifesteal, heals, level ups, even changes to max hp all don't matter. I can't tell you how many times I've died as Vlad to Urgot or Pyke at FULL HEALTH, and it's absolutely infuriating.
  • @Nuclearburrit0
    Executes are just a condition on a high damage attack. The fact that something is an execute is never why something is a problem, because it would always be better if that damage was unconditional. Remember: Great finisher means bad opener As such, any problematic executions should be looked at case by case.