Brony Attempts To Escape The Friendzone (very cringe)

Published 2023-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • @pimzae
    the problem I see with these guys is not that they're nerds, but that they show a lot of red flags, like being too controlling, having unreasonable high standards, not taking care of their personal hygiene and judging someone solely on their appearance.
  • @itsmoon1996
    having preferences is one thing, turning those preferences into “I will never date anyone outside of these parameters” is where it becomes a problem
  • @cestlaphie
    I am a bartender and legit overheard a conversation of a 30-something man talking to his friend about how to pick up women. His advice included pretending to not be interested, complimenting her friend to make her jealous, not showing up to the first date, and making an excuse to leave because “another girl is hitting you up.” Wtf. Then he whined to me all night about being single.
  • @12caratjules
    I love how both Ken and Felix both get SO OFFENDED she compared MMOers to Bronies 😂😂😂
  • @-ninjanOodlez
    Felix might have retired but at least we get to see him collab with Ken once in a while.
  • @aplive58
    The issue with the term "friendzone" to me is that implies that there is something wrong with being just friends. It's so wrong.
  • @rbrojas2040
    There's a gray zone. Being too sweet too quickly is a red flag, but being an a-hole is also a red flag. Ken's advice is on point.
  • @merchael30
    I mean, to a Brony, friendship is already magic. A romantic relationship must be an f-ing Act of God
  • @zarasbazaar
    The fact that he started the speed dating by insulting the women present shows exactly why these guys are single. They expect rejection, so they get the rude behavior in first.
  • @BigJGoon
    If your only goal is to "escape the friendzone" you obviously don't care be their friend.
  • @genevievec.8002
    As a nerdy girl, my advice for the nerdy guys is to calm down. I don't think a lot of the nerd guys are necessarily thinking that far but they get intimidated by the perceived relationship power. If they overcome that, they get way too excited too quickly on topics they like. Kind of, "someone is interested in nerd stuff too! They also are a girl!!!!" Ken's advice on pretend to be gay (to yourself) is probably great advice.
  • @OreenPeach
    The thing about these creeps who go on and on about the "friendzone" is they never consider that they've put the other person in a "bangzone".
  • @thederpyhyena3183
    Guys always talk about how they try hard to get out of the friend zone but no one talks about how sad it is for a woman thinking they have a friend only to find out they only want to bang you. It applies both ways of course but this video highlights the "getting out of the friend zone" for men. Like na, we can't be friends if your only talking to me because you want to bang me.
  • @damnitsem
    Oh man, the cringe is palpable. Props to y'all for getting through this one.
  • @destinyxgenzel686
    You can tell ken and his wife have a great relationship, the way he talks about women and relationships is so sweet. I love to see it.
  • @robyo3932
    Pewds is in pure ‘new dad phase’ as he looks absolutely knackered
  • @Vargas7
    "The only person I've ever loved is Mary..." how wholesome Ken is a real one, guys.
  • @silentwitch8950
    Ah, yes. I'm glad we can acknowledge that the women dont "friendzone" him, but that HE simply just wants to "fuckzone" them.
  • @chelsss12112
    I’ll admit I’m a nearly 21 year old woman and I have genuinely anxiety around attractive people. Socially I’m just nervous in general, but for me it’s not that I’m nervous because I’m seeking something out of our interaction. But more so I have no confidence and I think they’re above me because they are extremely attractive and I’m nervous to be rejected or humiliated.
  • @SirZipper
    I used to work with a 30yr old guy who read my little pony comics in the staff room. The guy would get crushes on high school girls, and when I told him that was inappropriate he went and asked one of them (16 years old) if she knew any older women she could set him up with. He would've definitely been fired if he hadn't been on the spectrum.