Strangest Things in the World Before the Flood of Noah | Antediluvian World Before Flood of Noah

Published 2024-01-03
The history of the world is divided before and after the flood of Noah. This video depicts the strangest aspects of the world before the flood.
0:05 - The Strange Antediluvian World Before the Flood of Noah - Bible Mystery Resolved - Quoracles digital gospel

All Comments (21)
  • @davidmundy2906
    It wasn't just about the wickedness, the real corruption was about DNA.
  • @nathanvinson7639
    If most people would pay attention to the amount of water erosion all around the world from canyons, mountains & ancient monuments this would make more sense to the nay sayers. Some conclude an ice age while its harder to tell if water was frozen or just not moving for a long period of time. Every other hypothesis or guess tries to explain a different path with words like "it must have been" or "we can probably conclude". Why not conclude that the skulls and bones of humans & other passed creatures weren't simply warped by sitting in heavy crushing water for so long as it had to slowly go away. Understanding that it wasn't just rain but geysers erupting as well. But lets say for sake of argument you don't believe this because you think it goes against scientific factors. I say, if anything it solidifies scientific factors all the more. The pattern of leveled erosion in rock formations all around the world, dinosaur bones sunken miles deep in the earth as well as large structures. This also explains why civilization with evidence of intelligent and striving culture completely disappearing simultaneously. Sometimes with no evidence of plague, starvation or war. Inventions and structures that contradict the supposed pattern of evolution in mathematics & science. We assume(hypothesize) sometimes to the point of trying to ignore the obvious just to remove possible Biblical truths. One reason could be what that would suggest after😅... life changes oooo scary😂. In all seriousness though. By accepting one part we would have to accept the other & would lead to realizing that we should try to live much different. If we would take a moment it can be understood that the facts in science do not conflict with the Bible nore does the Bible suggest that science does not exist but was simply called by a different name. If any, they are both well knit together as long as you can accept that the chicken may have come first if you know what I mean😉. The fear for some is that if we accept this than that means that we have way less control than we think. Some people, most people are just not comfortable with that. Well until the lay on their death bed for some reason. Im getting ahead of myself. Just sharing some of my thoughts. Hope no one was offended. God bless.
  • 🌟 2024 is an open canvas for us to paint our dreams of prosperity and health. As we pray, let's trust that God is our master artist, weaving His blessings into the masterpiece of our lives.
  • This is one of my favorite topics right now. The pre flood world, giants, dragons, mud fossils
  • If the "entire" world became flooded by this act of God, then it's a pretty solid guess the level of immoral corruption, and more, ran much much deeper than we could possibly imagine.
  • @alantasman8273
    Matthew 24:37-39 KJV. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 KJV. and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
  • @kathymetzger5862
    Thank you for explains this story so clearly to me and it taught me to always follow God and not the ways of this world
  • @dwoncrawford5823
    Jesus made it possible for us to become sons of God. Adam was the only human at that time who was a son of God. So when it says sons of God it means angels not humans.
  • Wow. Great job with pitting this together and staying true to the Biblical account. Not many things impress me when it comes to retelling of Biblical stories. This was awesome. Thank you for not straying from what is in Gods book.
  • @johnf6267
    the watchers taught them, technology likely far exceeded than that noted in Genesis...
  • @camconvo
    This entire video is A.I. BRAVO 😆
  • @Nubako463
    Because thou has keep the word of my patience,I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth Revelation 3:10
    JESUS says it will be as the days of noah here in the earth before he arrives..
  • @luisdasilva3879
    No one can even imagine the degree of sin that existed before the flood and it was not for lack of warning from God .Biblical scholars have come to the conclusion that the evil that exists in the world today does not compare to the evil before the flood , not even close .