Sinus Infection Home Remedy (Doctor Secrets)

Publicado 2023-12-29
Sinus infection is very common, miserable, and can happen to you. What is the best thing you can do for a sinus infection? Do antibiotics help a sinus infection? Having a sinus infection is bad enough, don't make it worse by doing the wrong things! This video tells you what you need to know about sinus infections...

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of experience seeing patients in the clinic, emergency department & inpatient, and has seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far. For Collaboration/Speaking requests, please email me : [email protected] Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Dr. Ken D. Berry may at any time and at his sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Dr. Ken D. Berry shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • My mom, who would have turned 99 this year, would not take me to the doctor when we had cold symptoms. She said all they want to do is give you an antibiotic and if you take antibiotics for something like a cold then when you really need it for something serious, it won’t work! She also said we needed get over things on our own to build immunity.
  • @sternits
    There’s a 95-97% chance I’m going to follow Dr. B’s advise.
  • @thabilsterone
    Israeli doctors in the 1980s discovered that the rhinovirus dies when heated to 102°. To eliminate a viral sinus infection break out your hair dryer put it under your nose and breathe the warm air for like 5 to 10 minutes as long as you feel it's necessary and do this a couple of times during the day. I have told friends about this and use it on myself and within a few hours maybe 10 hours or less you will notice that your nose clears up, it's not running anymore, that's because the hot air from the hair dryer has killed the virus that's in your nose. The nose is running because the body is trying to flush the virus out. This is real, it always works and that's the truth. Dr Berry is the best but I wanted him to know about this.
  • @readysetgo8706
    What timing! My fever broke at 6:30 this morning, and I feel good after only two days of what seemed sinus-y. Here is what I did: Let my fever do its job; took a couple of very hot, longish showers to loosen things up and help blow and cough it out; used a eucalyptus shower spray; ate very little; drank hot unsweetened elderberry and echinacea teas with lemon; garbled with warm salt water; sucked on zinc lozenges; asked for prayer; and RESTED! Don't know for sure if everything helped, but it didn't hurt🤗
  • @dalehamon4295
    70 years old now and healthy. Thank you Dr Berry ❤
  • @Smmiller61206
    Amen to this! I’ve dealt with people demanding antibiotics over the years working as a nurse in an emergency room and in the outpatient setting. It’s time we all take responsibility for anti microbial stewardship.
  • @wyyeti4004
    Thank you! Someone finally telling it straight up about sinus infections.
  • @sammyj3048
    I had a sinus infection a year ago. I tried every natural remedy but nothing worked. After 3 months I got a doctors appointment and was told it was a bacterial sinus infection that had spread. I had infection in my ears, throat and chest and bronchitis. I have never felt so unwell. 2 courses of antibiotics fixed it. I hate taking medication and always prefer natural remedies but in this case I’d had enough of feeling so sick.
  • @stevendunn264
    Momma used to say go to the doctor and get better in 7 days… don’t go and get better in a week.
  • @HeleneLouise
    You're right about fasting. I had a sinus infection that wouldn't clear up, and I fasted for five days and finally recovered.
  • @margomoore4527
    I’m sorry, but either you have not experienced it, or prefer not to bring it up for some other reason, but you’ve not mentioned the one thing that has helped life-long (and in 73 years, I’ve had a lot of head colds and sinus infections) and even today. This time-honored method is the Steam Tent. Find your biggest mixing bowl and a large (but not thick or cumbersome) towel. It must be almost bath sized to cover head and neck. Then you need an old fashioned kettle full of water. Boil the water. If you have no kettle, use a large pot. Pour enough to fill your mixing bowl about 2” short of the rim. Carry the bowl to your kitchen table; the towel should be already spread out on the back of the chair. A second towel set under the bowl would not come amiss. Make sure any pets or small children are out of the way for 15-20 minutes—scalding water is potentially risky! By “out of the way”, I mean baby in crib, toddler in play pen, dogs or other pets in another room, ideally another adult to supervise. Pull the towel over your head. Center your face over the water. Tuck towel under chin so neck skin won’t get too hot. Now this is important: hold the towel open a little at first, to let in some cooler air, until you get used to breathing steam. It will be hot, maybe even painful to breathe at first. Breathe in through your nose, and back out also through your nose. Alternate with breathing in through open mouth, deep into chest. As air cools down, close the towel and breathe the steamy air slowly and deeply in and out. It’s peaceful—like a meditation. After 15 minutes you will have the most benefit and can stop. Push your damp hair away from your face, dry your face with the towel. Your eyelids will probably be a little red and tender. This will pass. Carefully get up, steady yourself, and dump the still-very-hot water in the sink. Phew! The steam shrinks swollen nasal passages. You might need to blow your nose a lot afterwards, or even during. It should help a lot with clearing your head. If one side is stopped up, breathe through the side that works. Very good to do in the morning if your sinuses are aching. Also very good before bed. It can stimulate a real cleanout, so have plenty of tissues handy. My great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother used it on me at a VERY young age. It was frightening. But once a child is old and self-controlled enough to cooperate, it can be used on children, but only under strict supervision, and only for 5-10 minutes. One of the most soothing and comforting things to do in case of sickness. NOT FOR CHAOTIC HOUSEHOLDS. In must be done very controlled. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes. Sit down and pull your chair close. In December 2023, I had Covid for the first time. My doctor prescribed a lot of medications but I never took them. It manifested first as a sore throat, then a severe sinus infection—symptoms lasted 2 weeks. In that time I used the steam tent 8 times, and that’s what ultimately defeated the sinus infection. I should have done it every day but I was just so weak and exhausted. It was really enough.
  • I knew this but thank you for reiterating that for me. I’ve been sick for a couple days now with fever and sinus issues so this was PERFECT timing!
  • @bucfan23
    Lived with chronic sinusitis for 2 decades. Lived on Advil and amoxicillin. 2019 started keto and no sinus infections for 4 yrs now. So I’m likely the 3-5% bacterial type that love carbs and sugar. Low carb zero sugar worked for me.
  • @vln987
    Thank you!! I have told a few family members that antibiotics will not typically work for a sinus infection. They argue with me like crazy. Thank you for helping me realize that I was correct.
  • Love the brutal honesty here! I wish a lot more doctors would be like this.
  • @squashtomato7803
    I had it so bad. I didn’t end up taking any antibiotics. I did use steam with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, drank lots water, made chicken soup. Took advil for pain. Mine was 2.5 weeks of misery but I survived 😅
  • Netti pot is my first go to for relief of nasal pressure and to open nasal passages. Chicken bone broth for the cure.