Grigori Rasputin: The Devil Incarnate

Grigori Rasputin was a Russian peasant who claimed to have mystic healing powers, and he even went so far as to say he was the second coming of Christ. He formed his own cult, and even manipulated the members of the royal Romanov family into believing he truly was a holy man.

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Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Shannon Quinn
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris

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コメント (21)
  • It shocks me that his glare can be that unnerving in a century old photo. Those cameras weren’t exactly known for their level of detail. It makes me shudder.
  • @noxaurum1
    If his gaze was that intense in grainy black and white photographs, imagine how intense it must have been in real life
  • @stunitech
    "The power of christ did not compel him" absolutely slayed me there 😂😂😂
  • @Capin91
    One of the most incredible tales in history, as far as I’m concerned. Even if huge parts of his life are exaggerated it’s still crazy
  • Demons posses people Rasputin posses demons
  • Wow what a crazy moment in history... wonder how modern society would react to this situation..
  • @thegurem
    By FAR the most interesting historical person for me. Its insane. I even visited the room he dined and got shot in
  • If Rasputin were alive today he'd have a youtube channel with over a million subscribers and numerous community guidelines strikes.
  • @ollie2244
    He's not my drug dealer, he's my spiritual healer.
  • If you haven't checked out the movie, The King's Man, they did a very good portrayal of Rasputin. Weird doesn't even begin to describe him.
  • I’ve always wanted to learn about this guy since I love the song, I had no idea he claimed to be a healer and ran a cult
  • @bbruggma
    The Crow Sisters "took him under their wing." I see what you did there.
  • The story of the Mad Monk is incredible. He was practically indestructible. Ate poison that would have killed 10 men, shot multiple times, then boxed up and thrown into the Volga. Cause of death: drowning. Mad Lad.
  • Im convinced that he ALWAYS had that creepy stare. 1,000 yard stare, 100%. Definitely chilling to see, kinda wild how much fear you could instill in a person with just a look/stare‼️💯
  • @Simzoid
    He has to be the most naturally scary-looking person.
  • @Knight860
    It's ironic that the one time the Czar should have listened to Rasputin and avoided declaring war, is the one time he didn't.
  • @sym9266
    They shot him (presumably once) and left in triumph? Dude survived disembowelment— you’d think fear would cause them to be more thorough