
Published 2022-08-20
“ sir calm down- “
“ calm down! How can I calm down when it saw me! “
“ sir, try and stay focused. Ok mister...”
“ C.J “
“ ok then C.J tell me what happened “
“ so I was just walking along the side of the road when these guys in blue hoods jumped me and tied my hands together. Then they just dragged me to this cliff next to the ocean and took off my blindfold. When I looked up I saw one of the guys standing next to me holding a knife above me, but that wasn’t the last of it oh no. Then another guy walked to the side of me and started chanting in this weird language... “
“ can you tell me what he said C.J”
“ oh, I wasn’t listening to closely because I saw something massive moving the sea, then when to guy finished chanting this giant fish, mermaid-thing, I don’t know, came out of the water. The guy holding the knife above my head used it to cut me free from my binds and said, “ oh great devourer take this lowly man as your first of many meals of the unworthy, “ then the thing started opening it mouth and it seemed to grow somehow, but then I quickly got to my feet and got the heck out of there.”

“ is that all you got from C.J, Williams. “
“ yes, why? “
“ well about a week after you let him go back to his home he was found dead, and he was killed in a similar manner to ms. Jones. “
“ so you think this, I guess cult, killed them both? “
“ it is the leading theory for now. “

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