陸四艦突抵近美國家門口了 日本闖浙江領海要被報復了? 新聞大白話 20240712

Published 2024-07-12
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All Comments (21)
  • @limsengleong
  • The PLA military must often visit the US country for international water as the US Govt often said it ! International water!
  • 中國是世界和平的天使。只要有中國人的地方就會變成香格里拉。
  • 毛泽东讲的是寇可往,吾亦可往。不是你到我家来,我到你家去。。
  • A Boeing airplane operated by American Airlines accelerated for takeoff when a wheel caught on fire and exploded, setting off a trail of smoke. American Airlines Flight 590 was taxiing on a runaway at Tampa International Airport on Wednesday morning when its right tire lit ablaze. The Boeing 737 continued forward on the ground and did not lift off into the air as the tire combusted. ‘Whoa,’ Captain Steven Markovich can be heard saying in a video shared on YouTube.
  • 后果就是日本海自总司令辞职,218位国防官员处罚。
  • 以后駛一个航母戰鬥群去日本,觀光停留一下,無害通过。
  • @justindad2240
    何須200枚導彈, 只須3架飛龍2隐身冇人轟炸機“中國B21"(7000公里足夠航程)3x8=24枚Afk98A,隐身集束滑翔(12枚封殺+12枚鑽地)基地殺手,一枚干掉6000米跑道.
  • @iambennyso