Pierce your nose for under $3!!! | Taniece

Published 2021-06-29
This is how I pierced my nose for under $3 with a one time use disposable piercing gun.

1. Make sure the area you’re going to pierce is cleaned with alcohol
2. Make sure the piercing gun is sterile like this one
3. Numbing cream isn’t needed, but if you find some, use it after you clean the area. Ice isn’t recommended.

This did NOT hurt me at all but some people have low pain tolerance. There is always a risk for infection so keep that in mind. I pierced my nose a week ago, it’s healing beautifully, no signs or symptoms of infection.
ADVICE: sleep with a bandaid to cover the piercing or a small piece of tape because it will swell a little (you just put a hole in your nose) and possibly push the ring out. This hurts to push back in, otherwise there is no pain. Happy piercing !

I am not a professional piercer but I am a nurse so I have at least some knowledge and I felt confident enough to do this without causing infection, but:

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