Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a Disappointment | Part 1

Published 2021-01-04
This is a video about my opinion on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It is not positive.


#XenobladChroniclesReviewSeries #Episode4

0:00 Introduction
2:49 The Release
7:27 The Beginning of the Game
10:19 Tell, Don't Show
11:16 Too Many Proper Nouns
12:27 Too Many Bad Tutorials
15:52 The English Dub
19:51 A Brief History of Nopon
22:30 Rex
27:20 Pyra's Design
31:48 Nia and Poppi's Design
33:45 Female Blades Design
35:41 Game Design is Hard, and takes a long time

Music Used
Gormott - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Battle!! - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme
Incoming! - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Prologue A - Xenoblade Chronicles OST
Theme X - Xenoblade Chronicles X OST
Where It All Began - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Elysium, in the Blue Sky - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Terra's Theme - Final Fantasy VI - Distant Worlds
Chrono Trigger Theme Orchestra
Opening ~ Bombing Mission - Final Fantasy VII - Distant Worlds
Counterattack - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
You Will Recall Our Names - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Those Who Stand In Our Path - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
Decisive Battle 2 - Octopath Break
Decisive Battle 2 - Octopath Boost
Xenoblade 2 Main Theme but it's me playing it poorly on bass

All Comments (21)
  • As a voice actor, THANK YOU for pointing out the acting Vs direction. I never once thought the voice acting in XC2 was actually bad - but the dialogue itself feels awkwardly written and it's CLEAR the actors did not have the context needed to make choices that reflect what is happening on screen.
  • @JinTGC
    I can respect you being honest and direct; here are my thoughts as I watch: - Multiple mentor characters, only 1 dies (not even the first one which is typical) - "XC1 establishes tone, setting, and conflict of the game in a good way." XC2 does just as well I'd say, just a much different approach. A calm, dialogue about the mysteries of the world and the looming threat of extinction with a peaceful song and a first look at the nice scenery of the world. A little slower, but still pretty good. - Initial criticisms of combat aren't fair I would say. Stutter-stepping is a mechanic that makes combat feel quicker that isn't hard to infer. Also, obviously the combat will be barebones and simple at first. Arts recharge pouch items as well as understanding Driver/Blade/Fusion combos all makes combat very fun and intricate. - With the Show Don't Tell criticism, the point of what Rex and Gramps are talking about is Elysium and the Architect are shrouded in mystery, no one has records of that time or no their appearances. Why would the devs show either of those things in the first cutscene? One of the things they CAN show, they DO: the dying Titans in the sea. Bad criticism. - Yeah, there's a lot of proper nouns, but the game explains them well. They introduce the most important ones first since they're most likely to stick. - Tutorials are really bad for the most part. I'll definitely agree on that one. - No music because the game's trying to tell you these are important characters, creates a tense atmosphere, which you wouldn't know if music WAS playing. Then you WOULD dismiss these as "casual introductions." Bad criticism - I mean, you can teach someone how to do something without actually doing something yourself.. plus Gramps is centuries old as you soon learn, bad criticism. - Voice acting/direction is bad in some parts in the game (looking at you "JOIN ME!"), but it's really not as bad as you make it sound. Malos, Morag, Zeke, Jin, etc. all have really good VAs in my opinion. Sure the accents can be a little "out there," but the game is a bunch of different countries after all, it makes sense to have a wide array of accents and appearances. - The artstyle is quite different from the other games, sure, but I don't feel like it's inherently weaker or stronger because of that. A colorful pallet helps in happier scenes for example, but I think the background/scenery for serious cutscenes helps accommodate it since they usually occur when it's cloudy, dark, or raining. Good contrast. - If it's a XC2 criticism, I don't know why you rant about Nopon (which are in every game) for like 2 1/2 minutes. Out of place. - Rex outfit isn't the best, but bear in mind it's his salvaging gear, you know, basically work clothes, so it being bulky and such makes sense. Only reason he doesn't change has to be because Gramps rides in the helmet, which probably doesn't detach. I can kinda concede this one though. - You say he's like a "selfish, rich kid." ?????? If you take 2 MINUTES to think about it, he's always doing something to help other people, not himself. Sending money to Fonsett, trying to fight off the bad guys, Gramps dying isn't really his fault (because anyone would naturally think a random job offered would result in criminals fighting you and wound up killing your "gramps" somehow), gives up on the party (which is because he feels like he's not good enough for her, good enough to protect her, not because of any "lol why am I wasting my time" mentality like you make it sound. Does Rex always make the right decision? Obviously not, dude is a literal kid, but that's the point of his character arc. He's young, inexperienced, and thinks he can save everyone. But through learning about events (the hard way sometimes), he adapts, overcomes hardships, while not losing his good character qualities (Charisma, Kindness, Passion, Wits) along the way. He even develops new traits (handling loss better, understanding personal limits, loyalty/devotion, leadership skills, etc.) I don't understand how you think he's a static character when so much changes about him. - Addam judges Rex's character/motivations when they talk, he doesn't know about everything that's happened to Rex. "Rather than finding a solution to the problem on his own," HE LITERALLY meets him while trying to find a solution to the problem, passionately trying to find one at that, venturing into a dangerous area few return from... - "Rex cries a bunch so he gets her back" ah yes, because a man (let alone a teen) isn't supposed to cry when his most important ally and friend is going to die. Makes sense to me. Also, Aegises are told MANY times to have crazy, otherworldly powers (Malos literally survives cancer), and I'm sure combined with the Master Driver there's NO reason they can come back. - "Never fully takes responsibility for the power Pyra/Mythra has," you know, except the SEVERAL cutscenes where Rex doesn't want them to use their full power on someone or spares someone's life. - "Never takes responsibility for his actions," while literally showing a cutscene where he does so on screen. - "Rex doesn't drive the plot" except you know deciding where the group goes and trying to rescue the Aegis and understand the world and its flaws and seek a solution, you know, the whole game. - Compares Rex to Shulk, wow, it's almost like they're 2 different people, from different age groups, with different role models, different motivations, different personalities, etc. - Your design criticisms are fair in some points, but unfair in others. You say Pyra/Mythra have crazy designs which is true until you think of the thematic part of it (Pyra's armor is incomplete due to being created as a shackled version of the creator) and also the fact that MANY alternate costumes exist for many of the main female characters (including the ones you have the most gripes with), and they're usually less revealing than the original. I would say the camera gets a little crazy in some scenes which is a fair criticism, but I would think most players wouldn't call it excessive or overbearing for most instances. - As for blade designs, some of them are excessive like Dahlia, but most aren't. For the "fetish" skit, which is probably more of a joke than I'm giving it credit for, it's because Blades can be a wide array of lifeforms, not just humans. So, it makes sense to have some animals and "more creative" designs since that's the nature of a blade. - You call it "fanservice, no substance," as if the dozens of blade add nothing to gameplay or variety, which they greatly add to both. - I don't know if you've done/watched rare blade quests, they usually add nice background and story to them, probably not given your low opinion on the game, but they contribute a good deal to design and personality of rare blades that normally don't get screentime. I personally enjoy XC1 a little more than XC2, but I feel if someone loves 1 and hates 2, they try to compare it to 1 too much instead of treating it as its own game with different designs, motivations, accents, etc. If anyone read all of this, I'm surprised, and thank you, regardless of your stance. I had more points of contention than I expected, apologies.
  • @VaskoGames
    So what you are saying is... Car Quest is a good game bc it doesn't have cute anime girls in it?
  • @Crispy-ww7dw
    I cannot believe I found someone who likes X more than they like 2 I thought I was going to die alone on that hill
  • @viki7268
    Oh my god. Rex is actually the first character who shows up when you search “bad character design “ LOLOLOL
  • @polavux
    9:25 "I'll go way more in-depth in the combat system in this video later" He did not go way more in-depth in the combat system in this video later
  • @turbobacon5479
    I think Rex's poor delivery makes a lot of his emotional moments feel alot weaker, while I feel his actual ark is quite strong. A young, emotionally weak boy thrust into a war he never wanted to be part of, but sticks to it in order to help those around him and protect those around him. But by tantal, he has failed over and over despite trying his hardest, and just decides he's was never ready for this. However, other characters enlighten him to the sacrices that must be made in war, and the third sword strengthens his mental bond with the aegis, learning their location and preserving their memories. Then his encounters with jin drive home that final message he needs to grow. You can't save everybody. Rex always remains hopeful, but goes from a naive kid riddled with loss and doesn't know how to accept it, to one who can understand that sacrifices must be made in order to move forward. His ability to stay hopeful in the face of loss is what makes him worthy of the aegis, and is what makes him a fitting opposition to torna, and especially jin, people who are clinging to the things they have lost and want to destroy humanity because of it.
  • Capt Astronaut “this isn’t like those hour long videos” (Continues to make an 30 minute long video that’s most likely is gonna be a 2 parter)
  • You have your reasons, but I personally don't find XC2 to be a disappointment. I love the game and understand why people don't.
  • @gregandre148
    I bet that Nintendo is convinced that they did a good Job with Rex’s armor design since they added it in Breath of the wild
  • @weebsquit347
    imo some of the things XC2 took from the previous games were a downgrade. The mini map is a huge example. It's a pain to use, especially when you have marked objectives. And just as mentioned here, the tutorials are among the worst in jrpgs, period. But luckily there are some good upgrades too.
  • @manamaster6
    I like watching critiques of things I like because it gives me new perspectives. Despite liking the game, when I recommend it I always mention how slow the beginning is and how long it takes for the combat to feel fun and engaging (until all the combos are enabled... why weren't driver combos implemented from the very beginning like in 1?!)
  • @northweast5857
    I like Rex’s outfit because it fits his scavenger job. But I have to admit, the more I look at it the more confusing it gets.
  • @LexStormA
    You know, I never understood why the blades didn't turn INTO the weapons you used instead of creating them. It would explain their wildly inconsistent designs if they were meant to be the literal personification of weapons. Would explain better why they even need drivers to use them (considering blades can not only use their own weapons just fine but seem to fair better than the drivers in some cases). Hell they're even called BLADES, so having them turn into said blade or gun seems like a no brainer. But hey you can't stare at your waifu slave during combat so I guess that was a deal breaker for the devs