THIS IS WHY My Bank STOPPED me Buying Gold & Silver From The Royal Mint - For Fear Of FRAUD!

Published 2023-07-19
#Gold #silver #bank

In this video, we explore the challenges that many people face with the modern banking system. We'll delve into the reasons why this process can be so difficult and frustrating, and how it relates to the concept of owning gold and silver as a means of being your own bank.

We'll start by examining the current state of the banking system, and why banks are becoming increasingly resistant to allowing customers to withdraw large sums of cash. We'll also take a look at the historical context of this issue, and why it has become such a hot-button topic in recent years.

From there, we'll explore the benefits of owning physical gold and silver as a means of preserving wealth and protecting oneself against economic uncertainty. We'll discuss how these precious metals can be used as a store of value and a means of exchange, and why they are such a popular choice for those who wish to be their own bank.

Throughout the video, we'll hear from experts in the field, as well as individuals who have had personal experience with the struggles of withdrawing cash from their bank accounts. We'll also provide practical tips and advice for those who are interested in exploring alternative financial strategies, such as owning gold and silver, and becoming their own bank.

So if you're curious about the challenges of getting cash out of a bank, and want to learn more about the benefits of owning precious metals as a means of financial independence, then this video is for you. Join us as we explore this important and timely topic, and discover the power of being your own bank.

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Thanks also to the channel sponsor The Silver Forum!

A 4k Camera & close ups of coins! What more can you want!?

What do you think? Comment below!

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Follow me on Instagram: @ BackyardBullion

Thanks for watching and I will see you next time!

Topics covered in this video:
banking, finance, gold, silver, precious metals, cash, wealth preservation, economic uncertainty, financial independence, store of value, means of exchange, alternative finance, bank withdrawal, financial strategies, personal finance, financial system, economic trends, global economy, investment, asset allocation, monetary policy, inflation, deflation, wealth management, fiat currency, currency devaluation, financial education, financial literacy, monetary history, financial freedom, financial planning, asset protection.

All Comments (21)
  • The only question you need to ask when considering the pros and cons of cbdc is this, Do you trust this government and all future governments not to abuse the potential social control aspects of this new technology? If the answer to this very simple question is no then the only course of action to take is to not allow them the power in the first place.
  • @yunggolem4687
    I suspect "the computer says no" will be increasingly prevalent over the coming years across all fields. And everyone will insist it is "for your safety".
  • would the banking system be able to tell any of us how when or why we spend our hard earned money if we all stopped putting all of our money in banks causing them to either do banking how we want them to or go bankrupt? seriously we have a voice and the only way to effect change is to symply refuse to use what they offer on a mass scale.. when they start losing thousands or millions of bank accounts they lose the power to tell you what to do with your money..we can stop this but we need to stand together and use our voice OUR MONEY!!!!
  • CBDCs! Just wait till you are more than 15 minutes from hone and your card doesn't work! You cannot program cash!
  • Guilty until proven innocent then mate. And yes, that bank🙃. You may see the need for their actions, but this is just the start. They are just pushing to see what you/we will put up with. Use other banks/building societies if and when possible. Thanks for the update on your sticky state 😁
  • I use Natwest as well. The two issues I have with them is there is no human override and there is a lack of transparency. I went into a branch to make a transfer to ensure there were no issues and was told that the chance of the transaction being blocked is the same if they do it. It seems strange I can be standing in a Natwest bank telling them to move my money but the transaction can still be blocked. There is also no way of knowing what kinds of transactions might get blocked because their descriptions are vague. I am too heavily locked in to Natwest and moving would be difficult so I have to keep the accounts. However, after getting their last email telling me they reserve the right to limit payments without consulting me, I did open another current account and moved money out of my Natwest accounts. I think having all your money in a single bank is a bad idea at the moment.
  • @Michael-fg8cd
    When you spend £20 in cash it goes from one hand to the other. When you spend £20 using a card the value reduces with every transaction through fees. The reduction straight into the pockets of banks and out of the pockets of everyday people.
  • Hey Backyard Bullion, that's one of the best, most revealing and enlightening videos I have seen. Thank you so much for highlighting this, your personal matter which could well have ramifications for all of us. Big thanks. Keep up the great videos.
  • Very interesting video and has made me think very hard about other ways to purchase my coins without using my debit card . I use credit cards when there are no fees involved. I also use PayPal sometimes but it makes me think that banks are playing a dangerous game telling me what I can and can't do with my money.
  • @mrme3717
    Here's a quick primer on what's wrong and what to do about it. ALL fiat currency is debt, that's the only way the Fed makes it, whether through government bondage note,  or private bank loans. Bankers have developed four practices that are unsustainable and catastrophic. If we dont understand the causes of a problem we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes. 1st. Large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest. An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as a debt to the Central Bank, bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts,  ( because where can the interest come from) enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, rates, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.) 2nd. Because of the first fault, (wherein a Central bank has the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new money,) and they attach interest to it, (which they do not create) they must continually create more currency to pay the interest on the last round of debts and to resupply liquidity as debt repayments suck the currency they created out of the national economy. The volumes of the booms and busts are totally unnatural and the economy should follow population growth. Inflation,  (or rather, devaluation through deliberate currency oversupply,) is intentional and destructive to all but the rich. There is virtually no limitation on fiat currency creation. Adding to this is fractional reserve banking wherein private banks effectively create massive new Currency volumes, (but its onky temporary because it's all debt) blowing bubbles (in housing/CRE/stocks) which devalues everyone's savings, work, 401k & pension, by raising all prices. We call this inflation, but it's really devaluation of your savings,  time, work. Shrinkflation further adds to our reduction and desolation. (Did you know the only time our society gets some real new Currency  ? It's when someone goes bankrupt and can't repay the banks what they borrowed. ) The fix ?  The first step is to end Central Banks and return to Sound Metalic Money. This will slow the rate of currency creation and make it much more difficult to devalue our wages and savings by currency 'printing.' The 2nd step would be to legislate that banks publish their reserve ratio. So if they have $100 million on their books in deposits, and $50 million in loans, that's a 50% reserve ratio. We could legislate a reserve ratio, and by openly publishing this people can choose the risk level they are willing to take. This will change banking and we need to change banking, because it is destructive. The banks wont be able to make as much, and that's a good thing. We need to make money anything the people want, but legal tender must meet Metalic standards under the office of weights and measures, and national and state treasury departments and mints could produce and release real intrinsic value Money. This will not create inflation like some bankers/economists would have you think.  It is not who creates currency that drives the Constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity. The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This was multiplied as deposits were rolled back into cheap real estate loans creating bubbles, which further lever up equity to back more loans. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ? 3rd problem. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system. Taxation and the 'legal' currency label attached to fiat creates artificial demand for fiat currency. The fix ? Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value.  These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeiting. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep government mints honest. Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. You float its value, mint it by grams and ounces and you have a Gold and Silver backed currency. Same with Copper & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce and grams in 1 grams, 2 grams, 5 & 10 grams.  Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you. Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one. 4th. The 'World Bank' and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs.  It is easily done.  Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency. Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver or prepare for destruction. Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway, because humans are animals and always learn the hard way. The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver. Good luck.
  • Think this whole 'Computer says no' thing could actually become a lot more prevalent when we would have to use CBDCs...
  • I have just been a victim of fraud and $4500.00 taken from my bank account. Canceling bank accounts and having to get new cards etc is a time consuming pain in the butt for sure. Of course it has to happen a week before I am traveling to see family for a week in Manitoba. It is a sickening affair indeed. By locking your account up like that is inexcusable and should have been addressed at that time so as not to inconvenience you and possibly label you as a risk. It can happen in a moment and take weeks to straighten things out. Good post old friend.
  • Thanks for the update. My late Grandad was a manager at Natwest. I'm sure he'd be disappointed at this level of service. Having said that, the banks are having a hell of a time with fraud prevention so I do have a little bit of sympathy. But when you're buying things (like new RM releases) that are first-come, first-served then it's so frustrating to miss out because the bank blocked the transaction. Perhaps there could be a way to tell your bank in advance that your planning to make a big purchase on a certain day and get it pre-approved to avoid the fraud check being implemented at the time of the transaction.
  • @Galloway8786
    I can relate. I have been having all sorts of problems with RBS (part of the Natwest Group) over the past couple of months. I bought my first home 3 months ago and it seems to have sent their security team into overdrive. They blocked payments at my dentist, starbucks and to my electricity supplier (among others), all on the basis that it was for my own safety. When I asked them if there was any rule to the payments being blocked, they told me that I may/may not be breaking rules on my account, but they can't tell me what these rules are for my own safety. I am just lucky that I still have the option of cash as a back up, but in a cashless society I would basically be unsure if I can make any transaction. This isn't how banking should work.
  • I had something similar happen with an Australian bank - the difference being that the bank sent me an instant notification to my banking app for me to confirm whether or not the transaction was genuine. When I confirmed that it was, the bank honoured the transaction.
  • @dizzybee7386
    Some banks have the word "trust" in their names - or at least, used to.
  • @Karl_Burton
    Doesn't smell quite right to me, which I guess is what you'd expect. Thank you for sharing. Natwest. Starting to get on a bit of a roll.
  • @mattg4183
    I use another bank and have had the same issue with purchases off Royal Mint from time to time, makes me wonder if it isn't the payments side: Visa putting in the blockers and hence why the banks so wooly on why certain purchase are being blocked as its not in their control? Otherwise its quite baffling that they have a blackbox of an algorythm running the show.