FULL| 匈牙利谜案?周深白鹿被“水巴掌”攻击 范丞丞唱英文版《爱情买卖》气坏姚PD 宋雨琦泼水游戏毫无形象|奔跑吧12 EP11 20240705#宋雨琦 #白鹿 #周深

Published 2024-07-05
📢 The romantic overture of Budapest has already sounded! Embrace the European charm intertwined with classical and modern elements. 🤣 A mystery of chocolate strikes with full force! The princess collapses mysteriously, leaving everyone stunned. Who is the real culprit? Stay tuned for EP11 FULL episode 🎬 to gradually unveil the truth!
00:00:00 "Keep Running" embarks on an overseas journey! Arriving in Budapest, Hungary
00:01:55 Bai Lu and Adam Fan enter the scene with the director's embarrassing past! The director stops recording on the spot
00:10:34 The princess suffers an accident while taste-testing, and all fingers point to Zhang Zhenyuan
00:16:99 Charlie Zhou scores amidst chaos! Suspicions arise of martial arts training
00:24:44 The Keep Running cast goes into acting mode, unleashing a flood of confusing information
00:45:09 The little songbook Ryan Zheng suffers consecutive losses, opting to listen to music with his partner
00:54:04 Zhang Zhenyuan knows the drama title but not the song, mixing and matching on the spot for luck
01:07:59 The water-carrying game turns into a water-splashing game, and Charlie Zhou finds a new way by spraying water
01:17:58 Sha Yi performs like a drunken boxer, and Charlie Zhou receives the "water slap" punishment
01:40:48 Brainstorming time! What secrets lie in the doll partne

All Comments (21)
  • 📢布达佩斯的浪漫序曲已然奏响!感受古典与现代交织的欧式魅力🤣巧克力谜案重磅来袭!公主离奇晕倒,众人脸色大变,究竟谁是“真凶”?锁定EP11FULL正片🎬逐步揭开真相的面纱! 📢 The romantic overture of Budapest has already sounded! Embrace the European charm intertwined with classical and modern elements. 🤣 A mystery of chocolate strikes with full force! The princess collapses mysteriously, leaving everyone stunned. Who is the real culprit? Stay tuned for EP11 FULL episode 🎬 to gradually unveil the truth!
  • 周深和白鹿好適合同一組,他們兩人太好笑了😂😂😂
  • Bailu and Zhou Shen are more happy together ! Zhou Shen is a gentleman , considerate , hard - working and smart !❤❤
  • 周深😂😂😂一看再看,好精彩的球賽🤣🤣🤣被周深的身手驚呆,是有武功底的?!❤❤❤
  • @ouo3006
    雨琦和真源一組太養眼了❤ 最喜歡真源和雨琦
  • @h_meow
    周深加油! 期待下期魏大勳! 捨不得要收官了,加個特別季吧!
  • @533cindy
  • @chunchuncup1
  • 周深好拼啊!又靈活又可愛!深深這孩子又被沙哥騙了,而且第一個遊戲還是蝸牛玩偶,那期深深絕對相信沙哥😂😂😂
  • @peggypao6705
  • @giang172
  • @shelley4680
  • @yuejinwen5877
  • @droidtv1100
  • @funfunny4799