30 years since they left Cuba for Miami

Publicado 2023-06-17
In the 1990s, I took this photo of my father and grandmother standing on the front porch here in Sweetwater. At that time, more than 30 years had passed since they had left Cuba.
My father arrived first at the age of 20 in September 1962, and in October of that same year he joined the US Army.
6 years later, on March 27, 1968, my grandparents, Eloy and Ramona, arrived on the Freedom flights.
Being here for several years prior, my father had already rented an apartment for them where he lived, in Little Havana, located in front of the Victoria hospital. My father was always proud to mention, that his parents never had to sleep on someone else's couch.

Todos los comentarios (2)
  • Amazing retelling of your family's story … I'm assuming there's more and this might be part one of a series? Side note: while you are Cuban, and first generation Floridian? (Did i get that right? Correct me if i made a mistake)... i just wanted to mention that i am Hispanic. Born in 69'. Third generation Texan, and have roots in Mexico. A lot of the names you mention are similar to my family. You even mention a last name that is my mothers maiden name. I just find it fascinating how well you know your family's story and it's impressive how talented your family was in a difficult time. Communism is so oppressive... you are blessed. My father served in the US army right out of high school. He's 82 today, he's had two strokes. He's forgotten a lot of things in life but he's never forgotten his military time served. Anyway, i am impressed with how well you've retold their story. Your story. Amazing how so much can happen in a lifetime. The world is ever changing.