0 1 DThomas Testimony https://www.gofundme.com/hw4efga4

Published 2015-10-24
When I had my stroke in 2009, this home, David's home was my Threshold of Hope! He gave me so much more than just a place to lay my head, food to eat or general care. He gave me Love, Compassion & Conviction to not give up, but to get up and keep going! I've seen the lives and the backgrounds of the people that have entered these doors...we all have a story but no matter what age, what race, what religion, what gender, etc; the level of Love & Care we ALL received was the same. David my friend & godfather...we've called on each other so many times, shared tears of joy and pain, immeasurable laughter and memories, and I can honestly say I'm thankful to God for having you and The Threshold of Hope as a part of my Life. I may not have it to give today, but trust I will! I'm sharing this post so others can see the God in you and the purpose He's put on your life to be just who you are... a blessing to others as you have been to me and it is my prayer that this will touch someone in this vast social media world to look beyond the hype of what's common and open their hearts to give so that someone else's life, like my own (Yak-yak), Jimmy's (R.I.L.) and Danny's can be saved, changed & Blessed by You! I Love Ya Pops!!

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