"You'll Never Be a Pilot" -- How I Proved Them WRONG!

Published 2024-06-13
Join me on an intimate journey into the world of aviation and the critical step every aspiring pilot must conquer: the FAA medical certification. Hi, I’m Chris Palmer, master flight instructor and founder of Angle of Attack flight school here in Alaska. In this video, I open up about my personal struggles and triumphs with obtaining an FAA medical certificate, a crucial requirement for anyone looking to become a pilot in the USA.

From battling through the initial shock of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis to overcoming the bureaucratic hurdles of FAA medical exams, I share my story to inspire and guide those facing similar challenges. Whether you’re pursuing an aviation career or dreaming of exploring the skies as a hobbyist, understanding the intricacies of the FAA medical certification process is paramount.

In this video, we cover:

• Personal Insights: My journey from a determined 16-year-old with a dream to a seasoned pilot instructor.
• FAA Medical Basics: Explaining the different classes of FAA medical certificates and what they mean for your aviation goals.
• Navigating Challenges: Tips on finding a supportive Aeromedical Examiner (AME) and leveraging resources like AOPA’s Pilot Protection Services for FAA medical special issuance and FAA medical deferred cases.

But that’s not all! Experience the thrill firsthand as we take flight to my AME appointment, soaring over the stunning landscapes of Alaska. From pre-flight preparations to navigating through the skies, you’ll witness the beauty and excitement of flying combined with the practicalities of maintaining FAA medical certification.

Plus, don’t miss out on breathtaking flying footage as we embark on my own FAA medical certification journey, taking you from the cockpit to my AME appointment.

Whether you’re facing FAA medical mental health concerns or simply curious about the road to learning to fly, this video offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate this crucial step with confidence.

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#FAAMedical #Flying #LEARNtoFLY

All Comments (21)
  • I’m a private pilot and had a mental health challenge last year. I was up for renewal and didn’t think much of it as I was filling out the medxpress honestly. I found myself battling with the FAA who was asking for tests, labs and therapy notes. When I would submit those, they’d ask for more or clarification. It was endless, I ended up quitting. They won. It’s a hopeless battle. It’s almost as if they don’t want people to fly.
  • @alyssa.arcane
    I've been working with the FAA for about 2 years now to get my 1st class medical. It's quite the journey! Fingers crossed that it comes through soon!
  • @MatthewF21
    As soon as I saw the title, I immediately thought of all the people with ADHD (which is a lot), and the horror stories I've sifted through on Reddit. I haven't started flying yet, but I know the FAA is absolutely archaic when they blanket reject entire conditions. Like the conversation you had with the nurse, how can you come to a written-in-stone conclusion based off of a single conversation alone? It's so maddening to see someone who is very mildly affected by their ailment, or maybe even recovered (like substance abuse), to be rejected a medical cert. Thank you for bringing up this topic, and I hope it'll get more views because more people need to know these resources from the AOPA.
  • @MrRThor
    Hi Chris, thank you for teaching me so much about aviation. As someone who is disabled and can’t fly in real life, I’ve found joy in using flight simulators and fly regularly on vatsim to simulate real life. Your insights have been incredibly valuable to me, and I’ve learned a great deal from you. An fun fact, I sometimes practice traffic patterns on a Cessna 172 at Homer in Alaska to emulate your lessons, even with the N2423U callsign. It’s a fun and enriching experience. Point maybe being that even if someone is not cleared for the medical, they could actually enjoy aviation through today's amazing simulators. Keep inspiring and throttle on!
  • @EpicAviation175
    I was diagnosed with a chronic stomach issue and two types of anxiety but thanks to a skilled AME, i was still able to get flying!
  • @PrivateCitizen7
    Chris, you and a few others really inspired me early on. I passed my first medical but then retired from the military and got a VA disability rating. Second medical two years later got deferred and I spent a year grounded. Spent a lot on a specialist to get an evaluation and after a year, was cleared. Almost immediately ended up going through two surgeries back to back (appendectomy and broken arm). Finally got healed and back in the sky and cleared in my next medical. After five long years, I passed my check ride last month! Thank you for being such an inspiration and for such an awesome channel!
  • Thanks for sharing. Just saw my AME for a renewal, failed the eye exam. Turned out that I needed some new glasses, and finally got the medical. Puh, never feel to be on the safe side. Happy landings from Berlin (the one in Germany)
  • @nwjbward
    Thanks for all the info and personal experiences. Student pilot over 50 and I made all the mistakes you spoke of. Instructor put me on hold until I get medical figured out. Finally found an AME that was great to work with but a lot of the damage was done. I don't know why a CPAP that helps me sleep is such a big deal but it has been more than 3 months and still haven't got my answer yet from FAA. Still in the holding pattern!! Keep up the good work!
  • @AkPacerPilot
    Doctor Bob rocks!!! Truly a great doctor! Love Kevin’s external load…
  • @bill832
    Great story Chris, thanks for sharing. I had a second class medical that was up for renewal in February. Switched to BasicMed, now my primary care physician and I make the call. The FAA is unpredictable and slow.
  • @KevinW8BRY
    Chris, your story is proof you don’t know the place people have came from and the struggles they have/had. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • @Db7-nh8mi
    Hi Chris, great video. I'm an older pilot that stepped away from aviation for a few years. I had no problem getting through medicals in the past. Now, I'm having a few issues getting the medical renewed due to comments made in my medical record. In reviewing my medical record, in 2018 there is an entry that states I have general anxiety. I don't have anxiety at all and it is not mentioned anywhere else in the record but it is a flag for FAA. I also had a stress test done in which the cardiologist dictated it as a "probably normal study" then went on about how everything was normal and ended it with "test ended due to patient fatigue"; which is not true at all. The doctor stopped the test, stating he had all the information needed. This all stuff that I now need to get corrected or clarifed in order to satisfy the FAA. So, my take away for other pilots is always review your medical record after visits and procedures to make sure the information is accurate and ask for corrections- if needed. love your videos
  • @swolenation8550
    What a story brother, thank you for sharing. Every young pilot needs to remember this, time flys by quickly. Staying healthy is a necessary in this field
  • @markmaccani9411
    Great video here Chris. Thank you for telling your story and letting people know not to take NO for an answer. Have a great Alaskan summer.
  • @boogerwood
    Thank you for sharing your story. The FAA is so backwards with medical right now. Hopefully we'll get some reform.
  • @MichaelCordeiro
    Appreciate you sharing your experience. Glad you realized your dreams even in being faced with challenges.
  • @w6fdo
    Thanks so much Chris, that story warmed my heart.
  • I'm in the mess with the FAA right now. Paperwork, lab test etc. It's killing me.
  • Chris, a superb video on a critical topic... especially, as you appropriately noted several times, about the "off the record consult with the AME"!! A couple related thoughts... (1) I'm curious why you personally don't now go with Basic Med, as I understand that now covers instructors?, (2) You mention that "you need to get a Medical to be a pilot"... there are exceptions of course, an important one being a Sport Pilot, particularly applicable with the pending Mosaic program. Thanks for providing this video; it will benefit many many aspiring pilots! Wayne (DA40 KSBA)