Are Suppressors Worth Using in XDefiant? | (Full Mini-Map Breakdown!)

Published 2024-07-12
The Mini-Map behavior in XDefiant is something that's often misunderstood so today, I wanted to break down the mini-map characteristics including how suppressed vs unsuppressed enemy fire behaves in relation to the mini-map as well as the Echelon faction. What are your thoughts on the current state of the mini-map, suppressors, and the Echelon faction in XDefiant?



0:00 Intro
0:28 Mini-Map Coverage (Bonus Echelon Perk!)
1:37 Unsuppressed Dots on the Mini-Map
3:27 Light Suppressor & Recon Barrel
5:39 Suppressor & Stealth Barrel
6:01 Echelon Passive (No Radar Signature)
6:38 Reduced Audio Signature with Suppressors
7:39 Wrap Up

All Comments (21)
  • @fliceflo
    Honestly, the audio factor seems like it might be understated. A lot of guns are very loud and that's my primary way of locating enemies in this game vs the minimap in cod. I rarely if ever look at the minimap in this game.
  • @Arctic3OD
    One important detail that you missed: In CoD the red dot stays where the shot was fired. In XD the red dot follows the player until it disappears.
  • @EXQUIS1T3
    The minimap is so zoomed in I've completely lost the habit of looking at it. I just wish they made it zoomed out(maybe echelon size be the default). That way, it makes the minimap more viable AND be a buff for the suppressors
  • This game is so fast that the minimap has almost become it's own skill gap.
  • @sethswoodruff
    So echelon gets wallhacks AND stay off the minimap at all times AND have a larger minimap radius? They gotta get nerfed man
  • @jerm22278
    I was locked into the minimap on COD. I used it constantly as it was my major source of information. This minimap is so very unhelpful that I rarely use it at all.
  • @Alvarocastt
    Anyways i use them because I like the "sound" produced by silencers.
  • I've never bothered to use the mini map. I glance at it to see where my team is spawning, use my experience to judge where the enemies will be coming from then approach the high traffic areas from the sides. If an enemy is anywhere nearby I usually hear their footsteps and gunshots and act accordingly. The only difference a suppressor makes would be making it harder to hear shots, but if you are not crouching or standing still I'll know exactly where you are from the audio.
  • @jcaashby3
    There is so much action with this game i don't even have the time to look at the mini map. Especially with how short the duration is for red dots. Id rather just use my eyes and ears
  • @EraserChewer9k
    Echelon definitely seems OP, specifically when paired with Intel Suit. Having much more intel via minimap and having scan pings reminiscent of snapshot grenades while ALSO minimizing your map info from the enemies seems a bit overkill, especially if it's more than just one suit. Although I'm entirely fine with the Ghillie suit. I think it's okay to counter, but can definitely catch you off guard. I'd like to see how Echelon is affected if Intel Suit only showed enemies for the user, removing the support aspect. I feel like ONE player having that would be a bit more balanced.
  • @Branchez17
    Anyone else notice red dots not showing up on the minimap even when enemies are shooting nearby using unsuppressed weapons and not using the echelon faction? I feel like its a constant problem in pretty much every game im in.
  • @333llll
    Ace Xdefiant content πŸ’―πŸ™Œ
  • @i_1mpuls3
    They should definitely increase the mini map dot duration to 2s to give players a bigger reason/incentive to use the suppressor attachment. As of right now, not many players are concerned with using a suppressor because your dot doesn't really stay on the map for very long.
  • @AG-lj5oh
    I am always looking at the mini map in cod but I feel like I hardly look at it in Xdefiant. I couldn't figure out why it didn't seem helpful in XD but now I think its because the dots don't last long and they are hard to see. I hope they make the mini map more useful.
  • @KamikaziiKidd
    Personally, I never had an issue with the Phantom's extra HP but if they get extra, Echys need to lose some HP. Make them easier to kill so they HAVE to be stealthy instead of bunny hopping in my face like a hummingbird with ADHD. πŸ˜‚
  • @thephototechy
    Absolutely love the audio in this game, hearing echelon ultimate gives clear indication where they are approaching from, and cancelling that ultra never gets old. Not to mention all the other audio has been on point for me. Loving the Xdefiant content from ace!
  • @Vv_JASPER_vV
    Despite the range penalty, I've personally found success with the full suppressor. It just seems like staying off the radar is resulting in much better and more consistent matches for me.
  • @ghosterino
    I wouldn't be surprised that the Echelon hidden bonus is the original passive ability they forgot to remove :P