from an atheist to witchcraft to Jesus | my testimony

Published 2020-08-04
my testimony on how the Lord took me from being so lost to undeniably found.

if you want me to pray for you, leave a comment below and i’d love to help out!

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” - psalms 9:1

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Jesus January 2021✝️ | Cheyenne Marie:    • Playlist  

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About Cheyenne Marie:

hi everyone! 🦋 my name is Cheyenne Marie i post cleaning videos, lifestyle, vlogs, christian talks and so much more 2x a week. subscribe to join

All Comments (21)
  • @biblebeard
    Started out as a hardcore atheist; dabbled with Buddhism; momentarily dabbled with New Age, then Jesus saved me. He'd been calling out to me for years, but I'd been trying everything to avoid 'turning Christian'. The Spirit won out. The Lord never gave up on trying to reach me. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. Your story is so powerful.
  • @Featheryfaith7
    I went from Christian baptised, atheist, Christian, New Age, then to born again Christian. I was a lukewarm Christian.
  • @indigoeagle59
    I also experienced the spiritual attacks the 1st few weeks after giving my life back to Jesus. Beautiful testimony, thank you for sharing.
  • @toplobster1040
    I loved your testimony. God is good. Everyone needs him but they can't see how. Now that I'm saved I just see how much I need him in my life. How good he is. I also used to hate the idea of God and used to practice new age things like meditation, the law of attraction, and my sister wanted to buy tarot cards! Our parents found out, talked to us, and prayed for us. A couple months later, we started getting interested in Jesus. I am now saved. Please pray for my sister's salvation.
  • @gigi-gc8gu
    I’ve been dealing with spiritual attacks since I became born again. I’m a seer so I literally have to see demonic things and it made me feel like I could never be forgive by God. But through all of that I continued seeking him and praying to him and worshipping until I realized Adonai was releasing me from the spirit of fear and that the old tactics of the enemy weren’t working anymore. I’m still going through deliverance but for me I often think about how coming to Christ was like the scene in the matrix where they took one pill and woke up in the real world. I literally had the veil lifted from my eyes. I was heartbroken and distraught. I’m going to pray for you and others that have had situations similar to you that Adonai will bring you closer to Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus over you!
  • When I was trying to leave faith in order to sin more I felt someone was watching me for a couple of days. And that was scary as hell. I also had a friend who had contact with demons who told me that when he accepted Jesus all colors were brighter, everything was different, just like you said.
  • @sarahsunshine78
    Thank you for sharing your story! I too was Wiccan at one point, casting circle under the full moon with a local coven, playing with tarot, crystals, spirits, etc and Jesus rescued me from that life as well. It was really hard for me to walk away from all that and leave it behind and get rid of everything because I’d spent so much money on it. Then I read in the book of Acts how they all gathered all their occultic materials when they became Christians and burned them and the total value was so much money. So I got rid of everything and never looked back. Even now Satan will try to tempt me or lure me towards those things trying to present them in a “safe” way but no way. That’s not for me and God has a better way! Keep shining your light and keep sharing!! Praying for you!
  • @torikrasovska
    I got saved November 2019 and got several spiritual attacks afterwards - God is always there for us! Lets arm ourselves with all the spiritual weapons (Ephesians 6)
  • @eoinMB3949
    I have no idea how the YouTube algorithm brought me here but what you mentioned about feeling like there was a presence in your room at night.......Dang! I almost spilled my cornflakes when I heard that. I had the exact same experience. I thought I was losing my mind at one stage. I'd drift off to sleep and then at some point in the night wake up thinking there was someone in the room. Sometimes I'd come to and I'd find myself standing with a golf club in my hand ready to swing it as a weapon. The closer I drew to God, the more I prayed and the more I cleared out certain objects from my home, like grounding stones, law of attraction books, heavy metal CDs.......the waking up feeling that presence went away. Until a time came when it no longer happened at all. Thanks to God. Awesome testimony, I know God will free you of the anxiety, it will happen.
  • @janiewoods5392
    God bless you..spiritual warfare is real when I awakened and asked for a sign from our Lord Jesus I too experienced demonic attack and sleeplessness,I couldn't sleep without light on.When I got my sign from Jesus I 🙏 prayed and he answered me.I binned all my New age stuff thousands of pounds of my 33years of deception,8 binfuls!! The 1st time I walked into my church it felt like I was 🏡 home ,tears trickled down my face through the whole service no sound just a release and a sign I was where I belonged.Praise be to God for saving me and all others who are finding there way back to Jesus.Amenxx💗💗💟
  • @MiLadyShayttv
    Beautiful testimony, Cheyenne! I am 31 years of age, and I had similar experiences. I had gone to church here and there with friends as a child, and always respected God and my friend's family's beliefs, but never fully understood any of it. I do remember letting Christ into my life as a young child, and I would pray specifically for a career that I wanted as I began to get older. (very specific prayers) I had met many people growing up that started to pull me in the wrong direction of life. So much in fact, that I even started an atheist/agnostic debate team in college. My math professor even began to ask me out on dates when I was 20 years old, because he thought I was such a bright young woman to go against the faith of God. In my heart, I always knew that something was wrong. I had an empty hole that I began to fill with prescription drugs here and there if my friends had them. I was never a drinker or got into any other heavier drugs, I was terrified still. I was upset with Christians for no reason of understanding, yet I knew many Christians who were in my life that I loved and respected like my vocal coach teaching me opera. I had began to become very successful in my career of singing and opera, and made many friends, but still, something was missing. I was driving one day and it began to rain, a huge rainbow appeared. It was the brightest, most beautiful rainbow, and the sky... I couldn't even begin to describe what it was. Everything opened up for me, and as you said too, I began to see the world in a new light. Immediately, the words that came out of my mouth were, "God is real." I pulled over sobbing, I couldn't drive because I felt so ashamed and guilty over everything that I had said and done. Of course, this atheist/agnostic group, I completely stayed away from it. Just never showed up, haha. Fast forward years later, I moved to Los Angeles and began to get involved in the film industry of Hollywood, and I began to go to parties with celebrities, and I thought it was my happiness. Well, I realized that I believed in God, and respected Jesus, but it was hard for me to truly realize that someone was actually resurrected from the grave. I met someone that worked in the movie business, and he was a Christian. He's much older than I, but he became a friend like no other, and like a father figure. I had no family since my mother passed away and my father was never in my life. But this guy had opened up faith to me as I would try to argue it once again, those demons and depression latched onto me. He was always so patient. Fast forward, but I decided to speak to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to me. I spoke from the heart, something I've never done in my entire life, and over the days and weeks, just as you explained, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and it's true that most don't get to this point of understanding. So I thank Jesus every single day for His salvation. Everything I did wrong, all the lies I told, began to physically hurt me in my chest, and my guilt was overwhelming. I opened up and began telling the truth to Him and to others around me, lies I've told, apologies etc. I've lost some friends, and the worst I'm going through right now is that my current boyfriend is not a believer, nor does he want to be because he said it's "not for him." and becomes hostile. I love him dearly, but I love Christ the most. I live for Christ daily and want to be more like Him as time goes by. My boyfriend told me that I had changed and I pray his heart softens, but I'm afraid that it just can't work. I'm sorry for this long message, but I love hearing testimonies, because we all have similar experiences to a degree, and it's confirmation that the Holy Spirit IS real. It's alive, and it's beautiful, and we see everyone, including our enemies, in a new light. We love everyone, and we still pray for their salvation no matter what bad they've done. Just know and remember that it takes more courage to do the right thing and to be peaceful and follow truth, than to go through this life the easy/cowardice way thinking we are self righteous gods of our own. Your testimony brings tears to my eyes because one day I hope to see you in Heaven (after we live a long fulfilling life,) or who knows, it's a small world and we may bump into each other without even knowing! My sister in Christ!!! God bless you!!!
  • I was under horrible attacks when I turned to God, But he who began a good work in us is faithful! He will see us thru!
  • @dayfortyone
    Please pray for me if you can. After all, a prayer cannot be wasted :) Thanks! Pray for strength and confidence and a willingness to pursue what is meant for me, whilst more than anything staying utterly devoted to Jesus' teachings.
  • John Ramirez, Isaiah Saldivar, Bob Larson, Alexander Pagani, Jackie Holgate are very good to listen to.
  • I also had many difficulties after choosing Jesus. The devil is strong and didn't want to let me go but Jesus is so much stronger.
  • By looking at you now I would have never guessed you went through so much hurt and darkness in your life. You are lovely and I see the light of Jesus in you. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
  • @Adamsanchezz
    Yes, that moment you said at 4:44 how you see everything differently is so true, its like a switch flipped in my mind. Jesus working though us Amen! Great video :)
  • It’s just amazing hearing the stories of what happened to people, but then they ran to Jesus. Amen! God is good!! Amennnnnnnnnnnnnn!!