These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

Published 2022-05-05
Young adults are shunning college and moving to Los Angeles to make some bank off of the hottest social media platform.

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All Comments (21)
  • @tubanesoup
    I truly feel bad for the millions of kids who spend their free time watching other people's lives on a screen instead of going out and living their own
  • @paceline
    I'm glad these people are doing what they love. I'm equally as glad that I don't need to worry about them coming for my job in 15 years.
  • @aj_deem08
    "We're the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of social media." bro I don't know who you are
  • This reporter is good at his job. He doesn’t really know anything about the subject but there’s something in his manner that allows him to get open, honest commentary from every interviewee.
  • I'm worried for people who are getting influenced by these influencers 😩
  • @justussmith8508
    I know it sounds very "get off my lawn" of me to say this, but I truly feel like social media is destroying a generation of our youth. I'm thankful that it didn't exist for most of my childhood. It encouraged me to do important things like reading instead of incessantly scrolling TikTok. That algorithm is strong and gets me sometimes as an adult. I am fearful for what that is going to do to the development of Gen Z.
  • @jay-t1030
    Would love to see a life update on these young adults 10 years from now.
  • @_braune_
    The marketing lady is terrifying. Those aren't people to her, those are moneymakers.
  • @vtgonlinerem
    As a first year college student,(Same age as the youngest in the house), I don’t see anyone younger or a bit older than me wanting to be an influencer. If anything they don’t think it couldn’t be successful or is “cringey.” I don’t blame the kids that want to do TikTok or are doing it as full-time either. It’s hard out here. Everything is getting so much more expensive when wages don’t rise fast enough. Also many are expected to go to college, it’s time and money. It’s so hard to buy a house too. Many lower class middle and so forth see our parents work tirelessly. It took 20+ years for us to buy a house since immigrating. We waited, so we could find the right priced house and save some extra money for stability. I don’t blame them for tying to find social media as an option.
  • @jimmytran244
    US congress banning tik Tok thus ending these kids careers LOL
  • @tea4471
    as a teen who’s on tiktok a lot, it’s so bizarre seeing them actually plan out such simple videos 😭
  • @nicos1097
    HVAC technician here. To all of the people out there working diligently, thoughtfully, and honestly, don’t ever for a second forget how important you are. Even thought you’re not getting a constant dopamine rush from your 2.7m followers in your dms, always remember that you’re not alone. Myself and many others are grateful and humbled by what you do. You are the silent warriors that fight every single day with body and mind to keep this world going round.
  • @imaxdigital7052
    Can you imagine watching these people in your free time? That's insane that people actually do that.
  • @ZarisWhiteFoot
    Tiktok ban incoming. These kids about to wish they stayed in school 😂😂😂
  • @coldfries8976
    I'm 23 y/o old as of recently and i feel alienated towards this whole social media influencer wave. It all seems so artificial and temporary.
  • The most Dad journalist is actually asking the right questions and is amazingly receptive. Kudos to this dude
  • Mid-range millenial here. It's just so crazy how adults my age remember what life was really like before any social media. Hard to really put in words.
  • It's sad how talentless performers get more fame and wealth while indie hardworking performers struggle but get by slowly...