Travel travel travel - so have I mentioned that I'm going travelling?

Published 2014-04-07
Oh my god, 28 mins!? I'm such a travel bore these days...

Twitter: @BoundlessEyes

All Comments (19)
  • @ryallmackcowling
    Great video, loved to hear your excited about travel. I spent 3 months backpacking around Europe and it was lots of fun. I wish I had the camera then that I had now, I recommend getting a nice one before you leave. I think you are quite sensible to abstain from drugs and sprits, and without company having early nights. Best wishes, safe travels.
  • @gothatfunk
    5 years ago when she was only 18, my daughter went to thailand and cambodia by herself. i was shitting myself (but i didn't tell her that lol). glad you are feeling perkier. hope you come back with loadsa interesting stories. guess we'll hafta meet up after your return?
  • @stevethomas74
    Great and sound advice@26 mins in, coming from that place myself I can completely concur with what you said :) As always, so good to see you so upbeat and nearing towards your dream of travelling - stay awesome, J :) x
  • @MsSmokeNmirrors
    I'm going to Italy, Greece, and turkey in 5 weeks. I'm pretty excited. I'm planning to go to a few places in Europe (maybe England, Ireland, Spain, France, wherever else) and back to India in December. Last year I went in May and the weather/temperature was fine in the northern parts (Himalayas were in the 60s and 70s) but places like Delhi and anywhere further south were scorching. I didn't get to see as much as I wanted so my girlfriend is going to come with me this time. I really enjoyed Thailand and hope to go back. I didn't go to the island beaches because it was at the end of my trip and I was running out of money, but I wish I had been able to. See you and I could pair up and be in boring traveler talk bliss. :)
  • @TommyRazzle69
    I'm excited for you. I watch your videos, but don't always comment. I wish you so much luck. I'd love to go with you. Think my time has passed, I'm 41 now, living in Somerset. believe me, fucking go for it now! Live life. Polish beer is awesome by the way. X
  • @StanMarsh1
    Huzzah at your happiness! I'm glad I got to see you again before you took up into the wild blue yonder. :)
  • @Malthus0
    Be careful at full moon party. The locals spike drinks with tranquilizers to rob them. My brother had it happen to him a week ago. Luckily he had friends around him who got him back to the hotel and looked after him. Otherwise he would have been awake but helpless (looking drunk & passed out) on the beach or drowned if in or near the water.
  • @bikemessenger7
    I like your idea of owning a place that you can rent out. it would be good to have a home base that was in your control.
  • @SerinaJK
    Fuck the damn job! I'm glad you're travelling. Post videos of it. Idk what else to say except I really miss hearing from you and I'm so happy to hear from you right now.
  • @jmm1233
    sounds so awesome , but i go to Europe to start off with , it will be cheaper and less restrictions 
  • @LipsCollide
    At what school are you doing your CELTA course? Sounds really good. I'm thinking of doing one next year, after I've graduated! :0) 
  • @peqdf
    Singha beer is nice in Thailand.
  • @slobomotion
    Please please please read PATPONG SISTERS by the late Cleo Odzer!  Best book on Thailand!  You will devour it!  I have reread it so many times!  If you're alone I'll gladly put you up if you're in Paris, France and need to rest and change directions.  I can always put up a female friend and I like you.  Those TEFL certificates are seldom even looked at, but you might find it helpful so you can approach English language training more professionally and seriously.  I did that and university lecturing for 12 years until I burned out.  Paris is very hard to connect with anyone in.  Everyone goes on personal introductions here and it's just not warm and connecting for visitors.  Which can be okay but you do get lonely and want to mingle with locals at some point or at least be with someone who's English mother tongue.  I have two smashing British girlfriends over here, they both work like dogs but they are really fun when they don't have their shoulders to the millstones.  I'm also friends with Merrill Aldighieri and she's often up for a culture safari.  You won't be able to get citizenship anywhere in Asia nor own property but you can certainly live there.  I have to run out to an appointment so I'll set this on watch later but I am so tickled you are so fired up.  I love traveling alone and did it young and up until four years ago, I did it twice without hesitation, back to the US and then over to Turkey.  You go, Jess!  (Consider South Korea for teaching -- I hear it's unpleasant but pays well.)
  • @TheMonia04
    Hi, I was born with Ptosis as well. I live in London. I'm married and happy despite the fact I'm not very pretty. Life is too short to worry what other people opinions.  If you would like to meet for a coffee, let me know.