6 Things Every Christian Girl Needs to Know Before Getting Married

Published 2017-04-18
Looking back now, after 6 years of marriage, there are some specific things I wish I had worked harder on prior to getting married.

If you’re single right now and are hoping to get married some day, here are 6 things you definitely need to know.

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All Comments (21)
  • @SonarTheBat
    All adults should have domestic skills, not just married women.
  • You can still be strong and independent and be selfless, I don't know how that line got blurred.
  • @paulas7414
    I just want to point out that being independent, doesn't necessarily meen that you are selfish and only focussed on yourself. It means being able to look after youself. That's not the same as being selffocussed
  • @justine6828
    I agree with the part saying that your husband is NOT the main source of happiness/satisfaction. Yes, he is ONE of the reasons!! Not the only source
  • @silviamagda
    Before I got married,years before, I was kinda obsessed with marriage, learning how to be a good wife and I listened to so many sermons and I read a lot of christian books. My happiness was based on the person that would be my husband. And I got married,I have the most loving husband, and now I understand that he's not the source of my happiness. I think that even cristian books can mess you up, because you expect your husband to be the perfect christian and if he's not, you start comparing him with what you read. It's really a tricky thing to do, so be careful.
  • @anna-tl4rk
    not gonna lie i was with her until she was like dOmEstIc skiLLz
  • @sophiegiourgas
    my husband will be doing 50/50 of house keeping. I want children, so it’ll be 50/50 taking care of them as well. He can work, but I’ll be working too. I’ll be a lawyer, and I won’t be some stay at home mom. If that’s right for you, to stay home and take care of the kids and house, then great. But for me, I’ll be a strong, independent, woman who loves her husband, kids, AND work. ✨
  • @Gabby-du4mc
    Men need to help out with the household stuff too btw!!!!! Women work these days just like men!!!!! Its a team effort as u said. ;) oh and since when girls dream so hard on getting married?! Tell girls have bigger dream than marriage. Marriage YES but have career aspirations!
  • Pretty much every Christian book or source on marriage/relationships say that we shouldn't look to one person to fulfil us, that only God can fulfil us but...if you look at the creation story, the Garden of Eden.  Everything was perfect.  And yet God doesn't expect Adam's relationship with Himself to be sufficient, he sees that something is lacking, even though no sin had entered the world at that time and everything was beautiful and you would expect that everything, including man and God, to be in perfect unison.  Surely if there was ever a time when a person didn't need anyone or anything other than God, it was in the Garden of Eden?   And yet with just Adam, things weren't complete.  I think that says a lot. I get that people fail and human relationships aren't perfect and that they let us down sometimes.  I get that God fulfils us but I think He also created us for relationships, and acknowledging that is OK and shouldn't be frowned on.  You could be living on a tropical island and living in deep dependence and communion with God, but if you were all alone, you would still be lonely.
  • @hotpriestess
    But unity doesn't have to mean to give up your independence but more make compromises in my opinion. You can be independent and selfless at the same time! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, we always have to work on our selflessness anyways.
  • @michaels621
    “God is the only source of lasting fulfillment” Girl has never had a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, a bottle of wine, or slept with her husband
  • @princyD20
    Great video ❤️ the one I loved the most is “working on yourself and your relationship with with others” very important.
  • @sedmoport
    I feel fulfilled when I cuddle kittens.
  • @eva_unit_01
    Love how most ppl in the comments don't even like them
  • Oh my gosh, how have I never found your channel before?! I'm going to binge watch all your videos right now
  • @smn647
    Throughout college I went through a formation program that strove to teach & encourage how to live a radical christian lifestyle, both in college and as a post-grad. Among the many things I was taught & encouraged to grow in, all 6 if your points were mentioned at somepoint throughout my time in the program (probably in a discernment talk). While I greatly appreciated the fruits of this program, I often felt sad for the numerous other young men & women who didn't have the opportunity to hear the same message and coming across your channel today just gave me so much encouragement and hope. Keep it up!!!