Black Woman GOES OFF ON Black Culture for DESTROYING Black Women | The Officer Tatum.. REACTION

Published 2023-03-26

All Comments (21)
  • Lol Y'all are a mess. This was too funny. For the record, it's not all black women. The women I surround myself with are not this way. It is definitely the overall culture that encourages black women to do things that harm our image. We don't have to allow that. My goal was to point out some of the things that are holding black women back from getting what they want out of relationships. Growth and change starts with honesty.
  • My now deceased grandma, who was born in 1921, once told me that she found modern entertainment disgusting for both the quantity of sexual content and the way the sexual content was portrayed. Her words, "Young people today think they invented sex. People were still having sex back in our day, but it was done with discretion and class. People didn't go around talking about their personal business."
  • Raised in the hood, left IT AND my crazy family. Went to college. Started a business. Married my husband (who’s white), and have 5 kids. All kids created and adopted after marriage.
  • You never need to apologize for learning and growing and making up you’re own minds with all the information. Keep up the conversations, you all are killing it.
  • Don't ever apologize: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss
  • @jazshas
    I'm 64 years old and my mom is 96. Black women did not carry themselves with such poor conduct like they do today. We faced more racism and didn't have as many privileges, yet we carried ourselves with dignity and respect. Brothers back in the day wouldn't use profanity around women either and if one slipped out, they would apologize. Also, men would offer you their seats on the bus. Women back in the day covered themselves too. My sister's girlfriend showed up at a family party wearing what they called back in the day a "sizzler." 😊 That was a super short halter dress with matching panties. My mother told her she needed to cover herself because the women did not like the fact she was walking around half naked in front of their husbands! 😄
  • @km47804
    I HATE HATE HATE the way the word “submissive” is used as a desirable quality in women. What men want is a stable, supportive PARTNER that encourages and supports them instead of nagging, dominating and emasculating them.
  • Friendship is so important -- especially for men. Heartwarming for me to see these young men like each other, be affectionate towards one another (non sexual affection), and laugh together. They are stronger because they share and care. Please continue to value and build good and strong friendships.
  • You guys are 3,000 away from 500k and I’ve been here since 1k !!!! I’m proud of you all
  • @Mr05Chuck
    Don’t be afraid to have common sense. No need to apologize to the people that have none.
  • @bb3ll07
    She was right.. The truth hurts a lot of people! Many black women think they represent Christianity but degrade themselves on the Worldwide Web. That’s a bit scary and it needs to be addressed because high school kids do it now in these big cities 😢 I know because it used to be me. My hubby took me to church with him and I met other married successful boss women that raised successful kids! I found real leaders of the community!!!! I got baptized 12/2013 and I now 28 and I am married with a son. I had to make a change ❤ Marriages that have God will save the black community. ❤ STOP IGNORING THE 70% SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLD RATE!!! That is not okay! BEFORE GOVERNMENT, in the 1920s blacks were the most married until the 60s 😢
  • @TheNameisBash
    That woman is 40 years old, that's a grown woman. Good show fellas.
  • I just discovered y’all a couple of days ago. I haven’t enjoyed myself this much in a long while. Keep up the great work !!!
  • @staceyb7351
    I'm a 63 year old white women, and I am Really enjoying your channel! Its Great to hear young peoples point of view in This ever changing culture, and you are all very respectful and obviously educated young men, and its great to hear a group of young black mens perspective!
  • @nw6866
    It's how you were raised. I'm a black woman, but my father and step-mother raised me to be classy and I am. I'm married (he happens to be white), and I've never had kids (I am a step-mom). I'm educated and successful. There are a lot of negative views of black women. Some of it's earned and some not. The danger is not treating people individually. We have a lot of wounded women, but I could say that about a lot of other races too. I'm seeing more white women having children out of wedlock now too,. It just seems that promiscuity goes across the board for a lot of younger women. We made this feminist fantasy that sexual empowerment is one of the most important things and that has translated into promiscuity and overtly hating men as well. It's going to be interesting how that plays out. People need to make better choices. When you don't have a good foundation or family unit, you learn to make bad choices and then people just become that stereotype. That's men and women.
  • You boys stay true to yourself and continue to do what you do. Stay free thinking and continue to have open unbiased conversations about all things
  • I think the real issue is that a lot of these women with these attitudes are raised to believe that they must ALWAYS be ALL powerful and always STRONG. But strength is also knowing when and how to be vulnerable, when and how your strength shouldn't be about putting yourself first (which definitely does need to happen sometimes) but your mate, kids, family, friends, etc. Being strong and powerful isn't always about fighting ("Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right?") to get your way or to prove that you were right in this or that instance. Being strong and powerful is knowing when to pick your battles in all relationships be it home, work, or play. It is a sad culture, a terrible byproduct from several circumstances such as poverty, one-parent homes (more so in the case of one person leaving the other rather than a death), parents with mental issues and/or addiction problems, abuse and/or neglect, etc. These are the times when it takes a village - everyone in a child's life must provide stability, support, unconditional love, guidelines and guidance, and must model good relationships in all aspects. Loving, compassionate, kind, good communication, acceptance to a point (kids need structure and to have boundaries, so you can't accept that the sky is brown when it's really blue, for example, we have to be honest and factual), and so on. I'm sure that these 'educated' 'black' men marrying out of their 'race' aren't racist, they just found a partner who perhaps wasn't raised in one of those previously-referenced circumstances or something similar. Being a "queen" doesn't mean that everybody else becomes your subject, in other words. Women should always treat men with the same respect, etc., that we desire to receive from them. Men aren't toxic. Some men might be, but 'men' aren't, and all women need to know and remember that. I'm extremely blessed and lucky to have an amazing daddy, a (nearly) perfect husband, a wonderful and compassionate grown son, and a great and loving grown nephew, not to mention the many male friends I have that I trust implicitly. Men and women need each other, and our cultures need to get back to understanding that.
  • Aussies here! You guys are hilarious. My wife came across your channel. Thanks for the laughs today lol.