The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking | David JP Phillips | TEDxZagreb

Published 2019-02-01
David JP Phillips has spent 7 years studying 5000 speakers, amateurs and professionals in order for the first time in history to detail every single skill a communicator from stage or in a presentation uses in order to deliver their message. This TEDx talk gives you the very most important ones to bring with you to your next presentation or even everyday communication! Jedan od glavnih razloga ljudskog razvoja je komunikacija, kako verbalna tako i pisana. No, da bi komunikacija bila učinkovita potrebne su nam i prezentacijske vještine. Davidova misija je pokazati ljudima što čini najbolje govornike, na koji način uvlače publiku u svoj svijet te kako svatko može razviti tu vještinu. Njegovi TEDx govori “How to avoid death by PowerPoint” i “The magical science of storytelling” imaju preko 2 milijuna pregleda, knjige su mu prodane u preko 30 zemalja, a njegova kompanija je najveći pružatelj edukacija za prezentacijske vještine na Skandinavskom poluotoku. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • So, in summary: The five top skills are: 1) always keep an open body language, 2) move forward instead of backward when talking about positives, 3) do functional gestures (but do not lock your hands), 4) a slower pace of speaking feels more important, and 5) use pauses to emphasize your important bits (and never do "eeh", "aah", or alike). Then Dr. Phillips showed 4 subtle skills that you rather have to watch on your own, from 12:34
  • 1. Step forward = Increase focus 2. Tilting (sloping position) head on the sides = increase empathy. 3. Changing pace of what you are saying = increase focus 4. Shifting yourself lower (sitting down on a chair) = increase trust 5. Lowering your voice = you get anticipation 6. If you pause, you will get undivided attention. 7. Body language a. Maintain open body language b. Don’t move backwards c. Use functional gesture 8. Voice a. Pace (lower voice = means important than higher voice) b. Pause ( in every sentence) 9. Small skills a. Look up = illustrate thinking b. Audible inhale = suggest excited c. Duchenne Smile = Smile with eyes & mouth d. Self-laughter = increase anticipation for what to say
  • @sayeesaran
    my man David is probably the only person that got claps after showing his middle finger on the stage to everyone sitting 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • Outstanding. Best 16 minutes of information I've seen in the last 40 years of my life. Succint. Brilliant delivery. Duplicatable
  • @angelo7217
    That is the BEST TED I've ever seen.....Duchenne smile
  • @susansamuel6704
    One of the most comprehensive, useful and best ted talk. I'm a fan now.
  • @AJsGreenTopics
    I would have to say that this video would make it on my top 10 public speaking list. Great speaker with awesome tips. Thanks for sharing.
  • @RichAndoh
    What a talk, the ability to explain and apply in real-time show an extremely high level of skill. Something I have rarely seen. I also like how many of the 110 techniques (probably all) are applied in this talk, 2:50 blew my mind, dissecting it is an entire course by itself! And how he makes it all come together, this is a lesson that will stick for sure...Thanks for this wonderful message.
  • @barak1812
    I was in the middle of writing an email and listen to this video in the background. . . then you lowered your voice and I started typing slower and catching more and more words, then you. . . paused, and I. . . stopped typing completely and waited, it felt like forever. When you started talking again. . . every word sounded very important, so I stopped the video, I stopped typing the email, adjusted my headphones, set back in my chair and listened (and watched) this video with the outmost attention. There is just 3 words I can, now, say about it. . . It is working. . .
  • He explained very well! This is one of the best ted talks on speaking skill, voice coaching e.t.c
  • As you can imagine, watching, listening and following your advice has changed my life! Thanks for being so genuine, David. You really know how to communicate well.
  • @connereece3023
    I have been teaching public speaking at the college level for over 25 years. David does a fantastic job of demonstrating the highlights. This video could be adapted for job interviewing as well, since nonverbal communication and vocal dynamics are critical in that situation. Great job.
  • @jesss7699
    This was the single most valuable and helpful presentation on public speaking I ever saw. Not just theories, which are all good and interesting, but actual examples, demonstrations and a great set of tools to come back to. Thank you a lot for this!
  • @missdire
    It's fascinating watching him talk about the skills he employs, while he employs him (probably subconsciously at this point in his career) and spotting them as they happen. I wish Youtube and things like this were available back when I was in high school; videos like this would have been immensely helpful.
  • @Moltenlava
    Anyone else got up from their chair after like a few mins and started to try and mimic and improve the gestures he was making? Definitely one of the most helpful videos ive seen on youtube
  • @Aritul
    Not only do I learn a tremendous amount of information from his presentations, but they are entertaining to boot.
  • Fantastic! The way he lowered his voice and knelt down or sat in the chair I'd say was my favorite part and really captured my attention. So glad I came across this!
  • @fahadorky
    One of the best ted talks I’ve heard
  • @jonnyholmberg
    I hope teachers find you and let their students learn from you and get inspired. I was a teacher for more than 40 years and tried to teach my students quite a lot of the skills you are talking about. You really boiled ut down brilliantly, showed it beutifully and deconstructed it at the same time. You deserve an A+++!