Pandora's Promise (2013)

Published 2020-09-10

All Comments (12)
  • I'm all for nuclear energy. I think it's madness that everyone isn't in full support of it.
  • 1:21:06 -- "How many countries actually have nuclear weapons? None." I assume he simply misspoke here. He couldn't possibly have meant to say this. So what DID he intend to convey here?
  • @marklimbrick
    I thought this had good reviews for being reasonably impartial on the facts at least. Mr Tetraethyl who decided to do a lot more environmental contamination with nuclear is saying rubbish. 1cm3 uranium finger tip size weighs 20g not a pound. And realised equivalent energy is only 10,000 to 1 for uranium electric output at grid to oil energy. Not a finger nail cube equivalent to 10,000 barrels of oil. Is any of this film watchable without double fact checking?
  • What must really confuse and anger people is that even if and when nuclear power plants are safe, when they have an accident, a real accident like Chernobyl or Fukushima the cause always seems to be stupid design or operation of the plant. It's so unnecessary to have these big accidents, and yet we did. Then the government or industry lies to us and people stop believing them. We need to educate our citizens.
  • @erickieffer8440
    I’ll suggest that people read a book titled ‘Plentiful Energy’, before making a hard decision about nuclear energy.
  • @martthvdb9701
    Hahaha Slow Joes climate guy John Kerry. Always makes me laugh....
  • @marklimbrick
    Background dose is not the same cancer risk as specks of plutonium in the lungs. It is very difficult to pinpoint. We did that to the earth since 1945. Not discussing this is a lack of willingness to engage with the issues. People should be apprehensive by this attitude.
  • I heard Michael Schellenberger speak in his, I think it was a TED talk about nuclear. I thought he made the case very well. But it got me thinking as I looked him up for further reading and noticed he wrote Right-wing nut stuff for the most part, and what wasn't nut stuff was still Right-wing and very elitist, i.e. not in support of the American people. It points out that in many cases people are prejudiced against nuclear by the people who are associated with it ... a kind of ad hominem in reverse. Schellenberger also ran for California governor and lost hugely. I'm assuming that to work towards nuclear power he chose a side to be on, where he would get support, and he had to take on some of those core beliefs. Anyway, sad to see him in any context now. For someone who probably would be taken seriously if he devoted his efforts to Progressivism, he will get nowhere, at least in CA by sucking up to the GOP.