Can't trust anyone these days (too many scams)

Published 2024-05-18
New scams keep popping up everywhere these days.

All Comments (7)
  • It's a sad many untrustworthy bad people many different scams about ..I hope the scammer gets scamed...stay safe everyone. Listen to your aunty Diane 😊
  • Hi Aunt Diane. You are looking well, hope your arm is feeling better. My Brother rang the other morning. He had the bank scam, where you are asked to click a link as there were problems with his account. Luckily he hadn’t done anything. It seems almost every day there are phone call scams or emails, here in the uk. The other morning I had an Indian lady, I could barely understand a word she was saying. But managed to catch there was a problem with my account. The usual scam. I said, look don’t bother I know you’re a scammer and put the phone down. She called me back and asked why I had hung up and so I told her again and put the phone down. The phone went again, I didn’t bother as it was an unknown number. They just seem to be getting more intense. Take care. Rosemary.xx
  • @MIAreturned
    You look really beautiful Diane! Why did you hide your face? Seriously, you look great! It's so strange how we feel about ourselves isn't it? I was trying to see your hair.
  • @laceylocket1
    Hey Hey Aunt Diane .You looking well .Thank God I do not Bank on line or Shop on line ,Cash is King .