Video captures flying objects that officials can't explain (2020)

Published 2020-01-05
Mysterious drone-like objects have been flying over Colorado and Nebraska in recent weeks, but authorities can't figure out who is responsible for the aircraft.

Key lawmaker warns at UFO hearing: 'Unidentified aerial phenomena are a potential national security threat'
By Clare Foran, CNN

Key lawmakers warned at a House hearing on Tuesday that unidentified aerial phenomena -- popularly known as UFOs -- must be investigated and taken seriously as a potential threat to national security.

The event marked the first congressional public hearing on UFOs in decades, a high-profile moment for a controversial topic that has long been relegated to the fringes of public policy.
For many lawmakers and intelligence and military personnel working on unexplained aerial phenomena, the bigger concern with the episodes is not that alien life is visiting Earth, but rather that a foreign adversary like Russia or China might be fielding some kind of next-generation technology in American airspace that the United States doesn't know about.
Democratic Rep. André Carson of Indiana, the chairman of the panel holding the hearing, warned in his opening remarks, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are a potential national security threat. And they need to be treated that way."

He went on to say, "For too long, the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis. Pilots avoided reporting, or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the issue to the back room, or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a skeptical national security community."

"Today, we know better. UAPs are unexplained, it's true. But they are real. They need to be investigated. And any threats they pose need to be mitigated," he said.

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All Comments (21)
  • @babyyoda8810
    Funny to think. People want aliens to introduce themselves but we can't even get along with each other. Honestly, I don't blame them for keeping their distance.
  • @vesstig
    I saw a UFO outside my window as I was star gazing through my telescope, all I could see was an octagonal shape with the top 1/4 of the object missing and it had a repeating white and dull grey pattern that went into the middle of the object. I to this day remember that night and feeling so confused about what I saw but have yet to find any similar stories or events online documented...
  • @ghostdogzx-1474
    Why the hell are they calling them drones while at the same time admitting they don’t know what they are.
  • @stargod3064
    How are you going to call them drones when you haven’t even identified what they are?
  • @jediknight73
    Satellites don't hover in one spot or fade in and out, or make right and left turns
  • “That little dot right there”. Is this for real? That’s the most underwhelming “evidence” I’ve ever seen
  • @phlezktravels
    "it would also explain..." --- why this video ended abruptly.
  • @borntofly9438
    Everyone here is concerned about UFO’s, I’m concerned for that guy that said “25 miles, square, radius”
  • It happened here six nights ago! They were silent as can be! Not drones!
  • @YNChill74
    They’re not drones. I’ve seen them here in Okaloosa County Florida. Not only did I see them but my wife did too. When I seen it it looked like a ball of intelligent light. That’s the best way I can describe it. It caused tears to form in my eyes and for some reason I had this urge to bow down to it. It felt like it was the natural thing to do for something so mysterious and magnificent. My wife doesn’t like to talk about it much but I constantly remind her that we seen something few have seen. It baffles me when I think about the being that’s in control of something like that. When it blasted off across the night sky it lit the entire sky up like lightning would do here in Florida. But the weird thing about it is that it didn’t make a drop of sound. It was completely quiet. I now know for an absolute fact that it’s true you guys. We’re not alone. What do they want with us? I have no reason to lie these allegations must be taken seriously. I didn’t pull out my phone to record because tbh it looked fake to the naked eye…
  • @DaveSwayer
    I honestly though I was going to see a clear object flying above those mountains like the thumbail, not a blurry light at night!
  • @arlarl5122
    Why even post any of the story if you’re going to cut it off in the middle?
  • @dakmycat3688
    Nice way to get together and fly your drones in the middle of no where 😂🤣😂🤣
  • I once saw a plane flying over head. I took out my camera and got perfectly a clear pictures of a plane.
  • @brunoder303
    Caveman: Grug see light in sky, Grugg think no natural. Cave Media: Grugg see nothing, probably birds on fire.
  • @qjames0077
    Sounds like officials explained the flying objects about 45 seconds in.
  • I experienced an extraterrestrial/ paranormal contact that I can't explain. Told the story on a nationally syndicated radio program that wasn't Coast to Coast radio. It was the oddest experience of my life but hopefully these things being looked into by society more seriously now will drive more of these true stories out into the light. Suspecting drug or alcohol abuse is a copout for skeptics. 90% of us are functional people who don't want a fortune through bizarre tales. I know I just want answers.
  • @jesterlead
    News flash people - Aliens aren't going to just show up in Nebraska. That's a drone, the only thing unidentified is the model.