This is Important! Our Ethics Policies, Contact Transparency, & Reporting Stances --Reupload--

Published 2023-08-27
This is a reupload of a video made and then quickly deleted by Gamers Nexus.

GN's Community post about the removal:

Gamers Nexus
After reading some of the commenter criticisms of the "Defining GN's Goals" video, primarily those on tone and delivery, I agree with some of them and reflecting on it, I'm going to pull the video as I'm not completely happy with the way the video came out. We stand by the policies (they already existed, so not much changed), but the delivery needs to be better. We'd been working on it to add as another entry in our updates as to how we operate and our practices/policies, and of course it was inspired by what we learned lately. I think, taking in and considering the commenter criticisms, it could have been both delivered better in the video itself and timed better (to post much later, once things have settled) to allow ourselves to fully focus on just the GN-specific operating aspect. It was meant to be a transparency disclosure of our general operating guidelines, but those early commenters are right that tone may have felt off in places, and certainly it can be more concise.

I'm going to pull the video to make a better version of this for the future (and also shorter). We will wait a while, then adjust the tone and phrasing to more appropriately achieve our original goal (which was to outline what GN believes/does to inform our audience -- that's it), reshoot, and bring a better explainer back once more time passes with other general updates to GN in one of our normal improvements update videos. We'll reconvene on this properly and make a better one then. For now, we'll go back to running the technical reviews content since that appears to be the #1 request/criticism in the comments. Sorry for missing the mark on that one. The comments are right that it was too close to everything else and I misjudged that, so it felt 'off' for a few reasons. The other Nexus site transparency updates remain live (and the 'video interface changes' we talked about are still moving forward).

All Comments (21)
  • @iamabad2.011
    Thank you for the re-upload, was looking for it after the community post
  • @ezzahhh
    You bloody legend, I was halfway watching the video when it went down.
  • @fekbutchers
    I wonder why it was deleted, seems completely fine to me.
  • The reasoning here is flawed. Usually you would contact both parties for a comment after you have enough evidence. Otherwise whats even the point of releasing the findings if you did not have enough proof to begin with. To me this seems like a justification for a video where they included poorly researched things that gave a onesided picture.
  • @jansmycka4338
    I might be a bit cynical but launching this website the week they publish hit piece - not beating those drama allegations.
  • @blackhand9581
    After watching everything, the techpotato video, the GN video, Linus' response. This is quite literally just a nothing burger. Its good that GN called out LTT because they literally influence the consumer space and they REALLY need to do better. TheTechPotato video is good because it keeps everyone on an even level. As for the whole contacting thing. GN followed their own policies that were already in place long before. I mean, hell, LTT does not contact companies they criticize aswell. Not sure why that's even an issue.
  • @kindadim7982
    ty. i do feel slightly guilty, because obviously they deleted it for a reason. but i want to come to my own conclusion on the video, since I generally respect GN and would rather hear their unfiltered thoughts than a PR cleanup. it does seem like poor timing though😊
  • @XMorbius
    This video is fine overall but just sooo in depth, kind of needlessly. But tone isn't really a problem. I think it's more that a new YouTube video post will tend to feel like a "must watch" or "here is the latest". Instead this video could've just been left as unlisted, and embedded on the no-contact / ethics page for those who want a deep dive. Having it as a main video is what makes it feel off. And huge thanks to the uploader for saving and re-uploading.
  • @pjberens1
    if you add icon sets ... better ... just say where it came from.
  • @brian177
    Motive or opportunity to mislead is broad enough that it can apply to any case GN wants it to. This is why journalistic ethics have a standard of reaching out to subjects. We, the audience, get to decide on motives and whether answers from subjects are sufficient. The duty and job of reporters is just that - report. I'll do the rest of the analysis myself, thanks.
  • IMO the video itself felt fine, there is few things that he could improve like simplify the knowledge delivery, THERE alot of data that most people literally does get confused, and he could cutoff some not needed data that wasn't necessary at all.