Ultra-Orthodox extremists attack senior IDF commanders

Published 2024-07-17
Israel's ultra-Orthodox sector protests the draft as the IDF calls for more yeshiva students to serve in the military, amid a shortage of manpower due to the Israel-Hamas war.

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All Comments (10)
  • @ellietobe
    These people live in the country and should have to serve the country just like every other person. They don’t even work! This is ridiculous. No class of person should be given such special privileges! Every other Israeli has had to serve in the military! These “ultra orthodox” take but do not give. We know what God says about such people.
  • before any jihadis start saying how they are pro palestine or something let me clarify. the charedim are 99 percent pro israel, their entire claim for a military exemption is a deal they made with ben gurion that torah learners will be exempt from military service (back then there were only 400 total, now there tens of thousands every year!!) in order for them to pray for the success of the idf. i personally, COMPLETLY disagree with the way that they are acting, as a religious jew. i think today they want it more in order to keep themselves from leaving a secluded religious environment then actually because of the value of the torah. (for that matter, my uncle finished the talmud while being in the paratroopers brigade. nothing stopping anyone from learning in the idf) but at the same time, to look at this as if we are OPPRESING the charedis, while they rely heavily on government subsidisation is nuts, and its also nuts to say they hate us while the charedy ambulances and organizations were some of the most brave and useful people on the 7th. this is just a disagreement, there are many many may of these. we are a jewish state after all😂
  • @volcano1868
    Moses's Torah COMMANDS that those AFRAID MUST NOT go to war lest their fear spreads to others. Pay attention to Moses if you're wise, not stupid
  • You know I am an American Jew and have experienced anti-semitic attacks and I mean physical attacks I've been heavily involved in martial arts over 58 years and had a quasi Orthodox upbringing went to an orthodox school for my intermediate school years but I am a two who also said never again and that starts with a major understanding that I'm responsible for my own life and my own safety of my life which means if I have to fight for my life I will do so and I find it highly upsetting for me that yeshiva boys get a pass get a free pass from an outside perspective I look at a small country Israel surrounded by a sea no not a c and ocean of Arab anti-Semites and have the backing of the United Nations third world nations I've got where the Hamas mantra from the river to the sea absolutely is in their minds and all the Arab minds the total destruction of the state of Israel including the yeshiva boys so maybe it has not been imparted on their minds that they are literally in an existential fight for the existence of their country and maybe they should go to the areas that were overrun in the country and vividly watch the horrors that were filmed by the perpetrators let their religious minds soak that in and maybe it would change their mindset The mindset of the superstition the mindset of thousands of years of superstition The mindset of thousands of years of religious superstition I can't repeat that enough or build on it with adjectives then I just have
  • @evahaglund259
    It is one thing to have different thoughts about if to be in IDF or not but to behave bad to anyone is not O.K! To behave bad and throw things at IDF commanders is not O.K! I pray for love and unity in Israel! I pray that righteousness and love will flow in Israel! I pray for Shalom! Prov 4:23 tells to "Keep your heart"! This means to keep love! As long as a physical heart beats a person is alive. I think God made it is this way because a heart is a symbol of love! Hate is not O.K. It is evil! Bitterness also is darkness. Just love is a warm force and good! About bitterness Job and Joseph was not bitter either in the Bible. The jewish people is called to be a light! In Gods heart is not darkness but light! Love is light! Greatest is love! 🕯❤️🔥 Love is also like a precious gold more worth than usual gold. I pray that this precious gold will flow like a river in the City of gold,Jerusalem,in this new era! 👑💙💦💙💦💙👑 I pray for Shalom,peace for Jerusalem,Ps 122:6,and Shalom for all Israel! 🇮🇱💎💙🙏
  • They have no problem fightingnin the streets. This makes them hippocrytes, not Holy. Only Yeshua can make a person holy. This is not helping there cause. Its too late. The court has ruled. This is just another way for them to deny Yeshua. Things are shifting towards the return of our.living God, Yeshua HaMessiach! Hallelujah!
  • The Ultra Orthodox Jews make me wonder if they're not today's version of the Sanhedrin! The ones that crucified their own brethren , an innocent man, the most innocent that ever lived!!! , Their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 🕊️.