Why The Hobbit Trilogy Failed To Equal Lord Of The Rings

Published 2021-02-05
The Hobbit trilogy is one of the most disappointing things since... well, most of modern entertainment. And I think it's about time I explained why these movies are so terrible.

All Comments (21)
  • The only movie adaptation, where it's quicker to just read the book.
  • @BingBangPoe
    Well, in Peter Jackson's defense, he didn't even want to direct those films, and fought for it to be one movie instead of a trilogy.
  • @Dr.McMuffin
    The only disagreement I have is that Bilbo DOES have an Arc, in the beginning he is terrified of everything, by the end he is getting down in the melee, putting himself in huge amounts of danger in an attempt to save his friends. The line where he ALMOST confesses to Gandalf that he found the one ring, but then says "I found my courage" isn't really a lie, he DID find that through the adventure. Its like... The point of The Hobbit.
  • @SlidingRhino
    You'll need to revisit this, as we now know the Hobbit trilogy is now a work of art compared to Rings of powet
  • @Dartowl1
    “What inspired you to make the hobbit a trilogy instead of a stand alone film?” Warner brothers: “money.”
  • @JimmyC1994
    I remember chatting with my mate about this film and we were like "The Gollum scene was amazing" and "the scene with Bilbo and Smaug was great" and "the scene with the trolls was awesome" and then eventually we realized "so basically all the scenes that were actually IN the Fucking book were the best scenes???"
  • I think The Hobbit Trilogy had the same problem as the Narnia movies. They took a book that was meant to be simplistic and a bit silly (because its for children) and tried to pad it out into an epic fantasy story like LOTR which is a much deeper, darker and more complex story for adults. In other words, they tried to make it something it was not.
  • @Sahmgirl
    The things you hated about the dwarfs is actually how theyre described in the book. Bombur, for example, was described as ridiculously fat. Same with the dragon. His motivation IS just gold hoarding in the book. He is an architype of people in power. I agree with you on most of your rants, Drinker, but not on this one.
  • @sodagirl1092
    "I'm old, Gandalf... I feel stretched somehow.. like...like a single book stretched over 3 movies each with a 2 hour run time and random Dwarf x Elf fanfiction thrown in"
  • @davidbrinnen
    “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” - the Hobbit.
  • @TheBalisongBear
    One of my favorite moments in LOTR is when Gimli finds the tomb in Moria. Then the orcs start coming. Everyone else gets ready, but they're all clearly afraid. But not Gimli. "Let them come, and they shall see that there is yet one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath."
  • I actually really like the hobbit, especially as a kid. While lotr was darker, and raw, this feels more dreamy and light. It's a gateway for me to discover and love the whole lore
  • @DarkSpells87
    To Smaug's defense dragons of Middle Earth are canonicaly opsessed with gold. He doesn't need another motivation.
  • @bionicleanime
    This trilogy is exactly what Tolkin feared would happen when he said Hollywood will butcher his work.
  • @AutomaTom1939
    I think a better treatment for this movie would have been framing it as Bilbo telling the story to Frodo, so there are more fanciful elements; the singing, the talking spiders, the over-the-top action, and maybe even the ethereal nature of the glut of CGI would have all felt more organic--elements of a tale being spun by a storyteller. It's kind of inherent anyway in the fact that it was a children's book. I mean, the dwarves' names rhyme, for crying out loud. :) And of course also get rid of all the nonsense that tries super hard to make this an official prequel rather its own tale.
  • @Rage-_-Quit
    Tbf Samug's character was the only thing I liked about those movies, was waiting to see a dragon like that on the big screen for decades. They're aholes, they're full of themselves and they like gold, that's what a dragon is. They don't want world domination, they just want to fuck you and everyone you love up if you try to take their shit lol
  • @tehpeasant
    As someone who really loves the book: The problem is not that Smaug is a bad main villain, the problem is that the movies focus too much on him and tries to make more out of him than there really is. The book is not really about Smaug, it's really about the journey and about Bilbo as a character being on his first adventure. Smaug doesn't need to have any big motives or plans, he just needs to be there as the final obstacle for Bilbo and the dwarves.
  • The Hobbit is not "basically" a children's book: it is explicitly a children's book.
  • @kia4now
    I think your strongest point was when you said it tried to be epic and lighthearted and fun at the same time. They needed to pick a direction, and I think they should have stayed true to the books and kept the hobbit more like a children's book. It would have been a great opportunity for a younger generation to get into this genre