I Made Mario And Sonic Swap Games To See Who's Better

Published 2023-06-01

All Comments (21)
  • @AofCastle
    None of them have any chances when put against Peppino Spaghetti, the man himself.
  • @hihi-nm3uy
    I disagree with the thesis; the idea that Sonic games are like roller coasters, and aren’t exciting after the first time is flawed. Sonic stages are inherently expansive and offer much in the ways of exploration and finding shortcuts. Sonic Forces is virtually the only Sonic game to behave like a roller coaster; otherwise, Sonic is renowned for being spacious and rewarding on multiple playthroughs. Therefore, I think this thesis is born from literally trying to play as Mario in Sonic Generations, and from him only having played Sonic Forces in the past.
  • I think one of the reasons frontiers is so good is that you get your “rollercoaster” AND your “playground.”
  • The roller coaster analogy only works for Sonic Forces. A good 3d, boost formula Sonic game (like Sonic Unleashed or ironically enough, Sonic Generations) is more of an obstacle course where you have to learn about the shortcuts, learn about every bump and obstacle and consistently try to make your time better and better.
  • It's almost like Mario is not as powerful as a magical creature that expeeds the speed of light and fights eldrich horrors for a living.
  • @Max-Rtpmp
    Your reason as to why Sonic works in a Mario game is only ,somewhat, true to boost games They're more linear and automated because the focus isn't on the platforming itself but your ability to take quick decisions and react to what the stage throws at you It's not a problem in of itself, just a different philosophy (execution is another factor) Mario would've had a better time in Sonic adventure games levels, because the philosophy is more similar to the one of the classics This philosophy focus on the ability of the player to manipulate Sonic's and the level design physics to traverse level as fast as possible Which is pretty much just platform games speedrunning push to the max
  • I mean to be fair, Sonic in SM64 is still a modded Mario, so he has all the necessary moves that he otherwise wouldn’t, like the side- and backflips. Meanwhile Mario in SG is literally the Mario 64 source code with two new moves to make it possible at all
  • Since we're putting Sonic in the very first 3D Mario game, I think it would've been fairer to put Mario in the first 3D Sonic game, which is Sonic Adventure. Generations honestly wasn't a good pick for this experiment.
  • @Badgerpaw
    This was a lot of effort for what was essentially "I like Mario better than Sonic".
  • @Jebbtube
    I'm kinda surprised Nintendo and Sega haven't just made a Mario/Sonic crossover platformer already. It writes itself!
  • Sonic isn’t always roller coasters. He’s had more exploratory games in the past, and he did them quite well at the time. Granted, it’s mostly the 2D entries, but there are a few 3D entries that enable some exploration and reward you for doing so. Though even at his most exploratory, Sonic levels do have a lot of rails (metaphorically, not necessarily literally; though ever since Sonic Adventure 2, there’s been plenty of literal rails too), regardless of dimensions, so…
  • @lucasrhys5507
    Neat video, though I’d say it not as cut and dry as made to be. As someone who’s spent way to much time studying Sonic, the main issue here steam from first experience and replayability. The first experience with most Sonic games first experience are usually rough. Not exactly something you can pick up and play for a lot of people, however giving the time you start to get a feeling for it. Taking advantage of the wonky design to style and smash through stages. (Not that this exactly applies to ever Sonic game, they really kind of just have a case by case problems and philosophies towards game play) Unlike Mario which most can pick up due to it’s more traditional/easier set up. (Not saying Mario can’t be stylish and fast paced as Sonic, though I’d say looking at a speed run between both hopefully gives a better feel of their differences.)
  • @son-of-1810
    I’m surprised the Mario 64 model hasn’t been put into Frontiers, unless someone’s already trying that.
  • To be fair, the Sonic Generations world is broken most likely not out of rush but rather deliberate because of time eater
  • I always wondered how it would look if Mario and sonic flipped worlds, though if Nintendo and sega did ever do a crossover game. I think they will handle the flip better than expected, though the sonic in 64 mod came close to what I imagined. Great video btw!
  • I think the Sonic Adventure levels are pretty good design-wise. They tend to be more along the lines of Super Mario 64. Actually, I kind of wish we could have seen Mario tackle that game.
  • @chrs-wltrs
    I was very engaged by this content, and felt the need to engage in return!
  • @soldierofkazus
    What I learned from the Sonic in Mario 64 mod is that it's not taking a shortcut that gets you disqualified for taking a shortcut, it's _winning by too much_. If you fall from the top of the slide to the bottom, then delay crossing the finish line until the chao has almost caught up, you won't get called out.
  • @bobbovine
    To answer the question at the end, Freedom Planet 1 and 2 are just absolutely perfect fast games
  • I mean... yes... but also a better comparison since the creator is using Mario 64... I don't know would've been Sonic Adventure or Adventure 2? Not saying Mario wouldn't have trouble here either, but they are a bit more exploratory vs the newer games... which is why Sonic felt at home in a Mario 64 level, that seemed very much like Adventure or Heroes Sonic rather than boost formula even more slippery modern Sonic from Generations, or Classic Sonic with his momentum based stages. Like if you'd put boost Sonic in 3D World or Odyssey... probably do fine, you put That Mario who... can roll in a ball, wouldn't be an issue either in a modern game like Generations. Not your fault, you didn't make the mods, but I feel that would make a more fair judgement, that's like taking Doom Guy and slapping him in Mega Man 2, and Mega Man... well trying to survive in Satan's butt hole if he was slapped in Doom Eternal. Also um... Roller Coaster analogy yeaaaaaaah only some games. Even Generations does have different routes, different methods of exploring, it's not like watching a movie like Forces where you can sleep and still win, but not as good as Unleashed... day stages. Then again, the Adventure/Heroes games they are a lot more open. Even Classic Sonic games... well 2 is what really got that ball rolling... pun not intended, as 1 was linear. In Sonic 2 they devised it so if you take an upper route, there are less threats and more rewards, taking a lower route it's more treacherous, more pits enemies and spikes. You take a more straight and narrow path then you're going faster, making for multiple ways to play... most of the levels once you get to Metropolis Zone it is a bit more linear again, but decent chunk of the game before then. This is also explored in CD, where future and past levels are differently designed from each other and present levels, even boss fights might get easier or harder depending on what you do within the previous levels. Sonic being about speed, yes it's his mantra, but he's been as explorative as Mario since his begi- um... sequels.