Epic Scrap Wood Guitar in just over 2 Weeks? Full Hollow Body Build - Start to Finish

Published 2023-12-01
The ULTRA [save $900]: paskmakes.com/cleanspace/

Marking Dart: paskmakes.com/the-dart-now-live/

My entry last year to the Great Guitar Build Off was a fun project but this year I wanted to challenge myself and build something more serious. It certainly was a challenge especially has it had to be made from recycled materials, anyway I thoroughly enjoyed making it hopefully you enjoyed the video.

Check out all the other guitars in the GGBO2023 dailyguitardraw.com/giveaways/

For awesome hand made tools and support my mate Corin check out his website www.niroc.com.au/

Guitar Hardware from www.alegree.co.uk/

As always I'm happy to answer any questions.

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Also you can check out my photography at my website (nothing to do with making but you may be interested in what I do) www.neilpaskinphotography.com/
My email can be found in the about section of this channel.

For real mail,

Pask Makes
P.O BOX 768

All Comments (21)
  • @Bloodray19
    As a luthier/guitar repair person I am amazed at your approach. There were a few mistakes, but considering this is your second guitar ever, and you tackled an archtop jazz guitar, which is by far the hardest to build, this is amazing. I know you didn't have time for it, but I'm sad to see the finish wasn't level sanded and polished. If you auction it off, try to get a repair shop to do a setup on it, as it greatly improves playability and I could see that the intonation on the tunomatic bridge wasn't set, so the notes won't ring cleanly. I hope this doesn't come through as a negative comment, as that wasn't my intention, just trying to give some advice. This project was truly amazing. ❤
  • @dannyberg4294
    “I don’t know what I’m doing” and then proceeds to build this absolute work of art. Blown away as usual, it’s truly a thing of beauty
  • I've been playing guitar for 55 years and have owned many. I love watching luthiers build guitars from scratch. I have to say, your meticulous work is amazing! I can't believe that you are not a professional luthier. You take a back seat to no one. Fabulous job!
  • As a professional musician, an Intermediate woodworker, and semi-pro videographer I am duly inspired. When I hear a great musical performance I pick up my guitar with renewed energy to create... when I see a skilled woodworker, I go down to my shop with renewed energy to create... I know how much time it takes to do things right. The guitar, the video takes tremendous amount of energy and skill. Only the truly dedicated can accomplish something at this level on a regular basis. You have a fan forever. Thank you for your gift of inspiration, it is appreciated.
  • @hirudo881
    You got to be kidding me... this is insane! Just yesterday i wondered when your next video will come out and now you uploaded this banger... just wow! Very well done!
  • @OpenWoodShop
    As a luthier myself I have to say that what you did is very impressive. Amazing what a person can do when they don't sleep.
  • @beth3914
    The thing that strikes me when watching people like Pask work is the level of consistency they can get when free-handing. I really think this is the mark of a master; some sort of muscle memory from all their years of making. Great job - beautiful build!
  • As the owner of two Hollowbody Archtop Guitars... I sat "glued" (pun) to your presentation ! Every moment of design build and the expertise of your skills with your tools and knowledge enthralled me... You have given to me a deeper appreciation of ALL my guitars, not least the two that are similar to the guitar you have just created... I shall enjoy playing them more and am inspired to 'play', with focus and patience, at least as 'good' as your creation... Also I 'noted' some of the other excellent comments of your followers (luthiers) and it is simply 'grand' that the world has such talented folk... Thanks 🤠 ! As Louis Armstrong said... "What a Wonderful World" !
  • @aarts488
    For a second guitar build, and not even being able to play one yourself, along with the deadline, this guitar has become so much more than being remarkable! And I have built guitars myself. My hat off to you, sir. Much respect.
  • @danfromnorth52
    As usual Neil you never cease to amaze. For a guy who’s only built another previous guitar, you took on a very difficult design and mastered it. You never cut corners. Well done. Isn’t it great when mates can help each other too! Thanks for another great video. Hope you have a very well deserved rest.
  • @davidjdriver
    Many people are surprised at what it takes to make an arch top guitar. There are so many specialty jigs and tools and knowledge you need. But you tackled it really well. Thanks for sharing the adventure.
  • I am so impressed with your skills not only in wood working but video production as well. THANK YOU!
  • @jaromir_kovar
    Neil, I am speechless. The guitar is absolutely mind blowing and beautiful. My eyes misted a bit. You are such an amazing master craftsman and so inspirational. There will be guitar makers, making guitars their whole life, which would have a better technique. Same for life-long cabinet makers, metal workers, machinists and everything else, but you are one of a kind, Neil. You go into each field and just do it and produce things of beauty. And even if you never make a video to be about you, your humanity shines through. I am so grateful to Youtube that we are able to watch master craftsmen's work. In past, that would be impossible, unless you had a lot of money, traveled far and were very lucky. And here I can look at your channel and just watch one jewel after another and be amazed. Thank you so much!
  • @dm3591
    Skill, craftsmanship and attention to detail on this is incredible but also what we’ve come to expect. Good stuff!
  • Your patience is inspiring. Years of perfecting your craft clearly shows!
  • @sureshot311
    The first four minutes I was like, ok I can build this. Then I decided it best to just sit back and watch a master craftsman create. What an absolutely stunning project. Incredible work. As always, blown away by the details. Thank you for sharing.
  • @ajosepi1976
    This is the second best looking thing you have ever made in my opinion. That Kayak is amazing. 😃
  • @briturner11
    that dowel and drill press trick is genius. Worth watching the video just for that 10 second clip.
  • @miaouew
    You are a natural at archtop building. For your first scratchbuilt guitar EVER to be an archtop hollowbody is INSANE. Good job.
  • I think I'll talk for everyone by saying: get some rest now! You freaking deserved it! ❤❤ Hell of a build and video to watch. Amazing approach on so many different aspects of this project. Loved every bit of it 👍😍