Ciaran O'Driscoll performs 'Sweet Dreams' - The Voice UK 2015: Blind Auditions 4 - BBC One

Published 2015-01-31

Ciaran O’Driscoll blew the coaches away with his operatic take on ‘Sweet Dreams’ by The Eurythmics but unfortunately it wasn’t quite enough to turn those all-important chairs.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Rynne_1
    Are you kidding? This is one of the best auditions I've ever seen. He's so diverse and he proved it! I can't believe no one turned!
  • @acasanva
    4 octaves! No one turned?! Fire this judges!
  • What happened to the judges... Insane... This is true talent... Unique voice voice... Amazing artists...
  • @LucifersKall
    That may be the best audition that didn't get any turns ever.  Wow, what a mistake on the judges part, just the range he showed was incredible. 
  • I've seen all 4 judges turn around for an average performance but no-one turned around for that amazing bit of singing?!?!? His voice needs a little work to strengthen his pitch and to help with the mild wobbling of his vocal ranging but a coach can do that in moments. What a joke that they didn't turn around.
  • @glsweeney721
    he auditioned for The Voice of Ireland, and made it through to Rachel Stevens' team!
  • @elliskane3
    This audition went all over the place - high, low, fast, slow. Well done. Though he didn't get any chairs turned, I'm happy that he wasn't upset. It's nice when they know that this isn't the only chance they get (because they have a long road ahead just waiting for them). :)
  • @ultimoaeav
    wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.....really !?!?!?!?! no one turned around,,this was like the best performance on ''the voice world ''
  • @mintgumdropz1
    LMAO !! The look on Tom's face !! LMAO !!!!!! Priceless !
  • @pxlgalbo
    los jurados no lo son todo en la vida... tu perfomance fue increible, llegar a esos niveles de voz no lo hace cualquiera. Domina cada escala de voz
  • he deserved an oportunity, i mean, his performance was surprisingly interesting
  • @PaulBlxck
    I thought he was going for the Marilyn Manson version, but that's so freaking AMAZING!!!!!
  • @darkfighter147
    He was the only person in this series who really clicked for me. Why didn't they turn?! He had so much potential. His range was astonishing. I can't believe they let him go.
  • @YuriCel
    Eu nunca entendi pq esse cara não foi escolhido. Ele é um fenômeno.
  • @godieblue1
    Amazing vocals and put together great. Original style love it We're the real judges!!!
  • @kevinjoe3578
    This guy has so much range and so much versatility... NO ONE TURNED??!!