Vinod Khosla, MBA '80: Failure does not matter. Success matters.

Published 2015-05-11
“Try and fail, but don’t fail to try,” emphasized Vinod Khosla (MBA '80) during the Roanak Desai Memorial View From The Top talk on May 1, 2015. Khosla, the founder of Sun Microsystems and Khosla Ventures, also discussed the importance of having a belief system and the "indulgence" of brutal honesty.

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Learn more about the annual Roanak Desai Memorial View From The Top talk:

All Comments (21)
  • @chiawildy563
    "90% of you will do what is expected of you as opposed to what you want to do." at 7:13. Very apt
  • @prakashexe
    "With enough persistence, most things that seem impossible, become possible."
  • Every time I am procrastinating, I watch this man's interviews and always get back
  • This is the only 1 hr talk, I watch every time after I fail at something. The wisdom just 2Xs everytime.
  • @_computerra
    Vinod has the accent and the typical bluntness of a smart, successful old Indian Man. Very classy!
  • I took an action and told someone honestly what I was thinking about, after watching this interview. I sent an email explaining my position, which I was a bit reluctant to accept before. OMG, this guys arrogance of clarity is so attractive. I wish to be as bluntly honest as this guy one day. Respect Vinod Khosla. We Indians take lot of pride when we see you as our role model.
  • A lot of people consistently say they’ll make millions each new year but don’t plan how they’re gonna make it, which investment they’ll put funds in, which skill to acquire. There’s so much opportunity to earn and multiply funds.
  • @mardukhorus5936
    Every time I watch this I realize the importance of speaking the truth/honesty, entering action with boldness, having a belief system/core values/purpose of having a point of view/internal compass, perseverance and conviction. The best slogan I will always remember "Prefer brutal honesty over hypocritical politeness"
  • @tol-mol-ke-bol
    failure does not matter, success does + no one remembers your failures + willingness to fail is what gives ability to succeed + most people are so afraid of failing that they don't even try !! wow !!
  • @ccwragg
    Not yacht but rather the freedom of brutal honesty, applaud
  • @morrirowan7384
    I don't know who this guy is, but hes saying some really great, insightful, and wonderful stuff, very good interview. If more peoples philosophical frameworks were as developed, and refined as his, the world would be in much better shape.
  • @nickmhc
    Imagine being the person who let Vinod Khosla sleep on their couch. Altered the course of all the lives who got utility or will get utility from all of the companies Vinod Khosla had a hand in.
  • @jinkim23
    In other words: follow your heart and your beliefs and don't be afraid to fail.
  • My 3rd time going back to this video in my career. I love Vinod’s mentality. Our internal compass is all that matters.
  • @rampa7373
    I feel very proud that, i invested 54:44 of my time in watching this video, better than any MBA
  • It gets like gold from 25:55 and it's about general risk taking and innovation, not just investing.
  • @funstuffdaily1
    Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. ❤
  • @defercloud
    i've seen this view over 10 times, it has taught me a lot about a) crisis management and b) ambition