Bible's Darkest Secrets: The Truth About Jesus And Humanity's Past

Published 2024-06-07
Bible's Darkest Secrets: The Truth About Jesus And Humanity's Past ✨✨ ! !

As it is stated in the secret gospel of Philip, "Whoever achieves gnosis becomes "no longer a Christian, but a Christ." (Gospel of Philip 67.26)

From this, we see that the name Christ did not mean the chosen one, the messiah, but rather, the one who gained knowledge and eventually became one with God. Isn't this what we all should strive for? Become One With All There Is. Consciously.

Christ is a state of consciousness, it's the state referred to in the spiritual community today as Oneness or Unity consciousness. Jesus was a representative of Christ's consciousness.

Verse 77: Jesus says: I am the light that is above them all. I am the all; the all came forth from me, and the all attained to me. Cleave a (piece of) wood; I am there. Raise up a stone, and you will find me there.

The Gospel of Thomas relates that as soon as Thomas recognizes Jesus, Jesus says to Thomas that they have both received their being from the same source, which is the divine consciousness. Therefore, we can assume that the main teaching of Jesus as a spiritual teacher was the Gnosis: Self- knowledge as Knowledge of God.

"There's light within a man of light, and it lights up the whole world. If he doesn't shine, he is darkness" (Gospel of Thomas 38.4-10)

Jesus said:

"Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." (Gospel of Thomas 32.19)

This quote also points to those who remain closed and unwilling to discover their real selves, and teaches that the lack of self-knowledge ultimately is synonymous with poverty, poverty of the soul and the spirit. They will not find the "kingdom" inside, nor outside, but will remain poor, and will continue reincarnating until finally they realize the gnosis. It also encourages the continuous search for the truth.

This is way the so called way has no end. Because the journey to seek is the truth itself. The journey to know ourselves.

In the gospel of Thomas, there are two very important keys of

information that were written around 300 years after the time

of Jesus.

Verse 106 Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away, it will move away." One possible meaning is that when you can marry your

thought and your emotion in our hearts, into one single potent force in our bodies, that is when you have the power to

speak to the world.

Also if you consciously decide to focus on one single thought

of energy, you will always gain the power to make it a reality. Because this is our true power and the well kept secret through the centuries. We are all creators, all living-gods who create their own realities.

The gospel of Thomas represents our connection to consciousness and all that is. It is the knowledge that liberates man. People have tried saying this many times and nothing happens... but why? Because the asking is not done with thought and emotion.

To ask, we must speak to the field in the language that the field recognizes, and a language that's meaningful that comes from the power of our heart. From the light within us. From unconditional love. The word unconditional means there are no conditions. Love without condition is the most powerful

thing we have. Our heart creates feelings of electrical and magnetic waves. That's the language that the field recognizes. So, when you create the feeling in your heart as if your prayer

is already answered. That creates the electrical and magnetic waves that bring that answer to you. It is already proven by Quantum Physicists.

#bible #biblesecrets #secretorigins

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All Comments (4)
  • @user-gg6ht6rt9i
    I am sorry but Jesus never said to follow your heart he said '' do not follow your heart but follow me I am the way, your heart will send you astray your heart can and will be a traitor to you because of emotions
  • @user-gg6ht6rt9i