Fold & Find a T-shirt #4 for a low maintenance morning routine

Published 2023-04-09
In this video, I am folding my husbands T-shirt. He was so excited that I would be folding all the laundry that day... until I ran out of storage space on my phone.
I need a low maintenance morning routine because I have C-PTSD surrounding getting ready to leave my home for anything from appointments to hanging out with friends. Because I am now aware of this I can plan appropriately by how I fold my clothing so I can find what I am looking for easily.

My husband learned how to fold this way to and prefers it as well. It created so much extra space he gave me another drawer but I ended up having an extra drawer as well. It really does save space. I will photograph my drawers in the future and add them to the blog. I will show you my before and after photos too. I had a super cluttery messy house before I decluttered. Did you know you can build self-confidence by decluttering your home? I won't go into that here but my website explains it on the home page.
Visit my website for more information about me and why I am posting this video in the first place. See you there.

Side note: If you are folding to put in a duffle bag that is a different story, you would want to use the military's roll method.

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