Published 2016-05-11
Does this need much explaining? xD Ah well, I got to upload something, spite it being a 3rd Zig I can't evolve or want in any form, 20% here I think too. But oh well, Hopefully a quick phase this time for a wanted pokemon. Also Yesterday as of when this video is going up, Pokemon Sun and Moon starters and legends were shown! I am getting both games and hunting Rowlet first, unless I get a random one playing through :o. But anyway THANK you all for watching! Hopefully I get something wanted!

All Comments (9)
  • @Luxluux
    Thats bad u got it after so long? Hope Electrike sparkle quickly :D Btw kongratss!
  • @OrbitalBlitz
    After a long period without a shiny video on your channel and it have to be a 3rd zigzagoon after those amount of encounters, that's so unfair :( Getting these duplicates shinies is so annoying and it gets worst when they appear after so many REs already done (if it was the target I wouldn't mind of that waiting). Anyway, it's good that you upload a shiny (cough... Articuno) and hope you can upload more with your targets. I know that you already got electrike, which is pretty awesome, and even if I'm late to see this, now you know that Dan was here XD Congrats ;)
  • @BoopetteSH
    Congrats :3 ... Good luck on shiny electrike !
  • @BlueTeams
    Awesome video keep up the great work!
  • @Moonumbreon1
    ok hearing you say bloody hell was hilarious XD ID say aww sorry but then you got your target grats now get articuno I'm waiting for it XD
  • @MrShinx3
    Oh, bloody hell! How terribly British of you Matt. This was just the teaser before the main event...
  • @Felori_
    This is a kick in the nuts after so many REs...congrats tho?...