6-20-24 Surfiside Beach, TX-Dawn shows storm surge inundating Texas town

Published 2024-06-20
Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license.
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Day 2 of coastal flooding in Surfside, TX shot by drone. Tropical Storm Alberto.

All Comments (19)
  • Excellent video. Thank you! It looks like the "stilts" are fulfilling their purpose, but I don't think I'd want to drive a vehicle thru salt water.
  • @allthingsba2022
    That is a great video. I was just planning a trip to do some house shopping there. ZOINKS!!!! I think you just saved me a bunch of money and heartache! Thanks.
  • @saltyhumansWX
    Was just barely a TS.. this place needs some MAJOR work if they don't want mother nature reclaim it
  • Nice video drome now we know how bad it's been...thank you..we just don't want see the face of someone talking about it...
  • @teslarob4790
    I had an atmospheric sciences class in the late 1990's. On the first day the prof walked in and wrote on the board: "FREQUENCY and INTENSITY" and that was the focus of the class as it applies to "climate change" and its impacts. Everything according to him (and the SCIENCE) would be more intense AND more frequent. And that means BAD news for humans. He said the argument of "who caused it" will be rendered MOOT when the "change" part comes. Here we are. This is the change. Look at the LONG list of places across the planet that are flooding. He also used to love to say that for some areas, "One day the water will come in, and it will not go away...."  Well.... one has to wonder if that is the case very soon. LOOK at this video. This is only on the very very very OUTSKIRTS of the storm. A storm that is not even a hurricane level storm.
  • Every wonder why the walls not much taller when we all know it should be? With the billions-trillons spent on infrastructure & same amounts GIVEN away there is no reason why this shouldn't of taken place decades ago. So it makes me wonder, if the bottom line again is all about how much money that can be made on people's damages, so they leave it this way...
  • @cliff6247
    I have never seen a wall at surfside beach no matter how many times I've been there. Just the jetty wall. And I have driven up and down that beach many times