Work from Home vs. The Office

Published 2022-08-18

All Comments (21)
  • @TheWolf92
    I’ve worked remote since 2019 and my wife since 2020, and this is without a doubt 100% accurate. Neither of us would ever give up the freedom of being able to do whatever we want when we don’t have actual work to do rather than sitting in an office and pretending to be busy due to overbearing managers. Not to mention no gas spent, and no annoying co workers!
  • The part where Jake said 'it's 11 am and I've finished my work for the day, now I'll just sit here for X more hours' killed me. That's me. 😂 And the bland beige walls.💀Funny sketch guys.
  • @salamanda11
    “Oh, it’s raining today!” Literally I have no idea what the weather is like working from home. 😆
  • @vicnighthorse
    I have worked remote since 1999. I find I get more done because people don't come over to my office and talk to me and I don't do that to them. Of course, I am batshit crazy now but that is just the price of progress.
  • I've figured that hybrid works best for me. Being alone at home for too long causes me to be unfocused, being around productive people helps with my own productivity.
  • @MissLionRose
    “Still no windows..” That was the deal breaker for me! Happily working remote now 🥰❤️✨
  • @bahwickee
    "I don't talk to people I don't want to talk to" It's the best.
  • @ubernerrd
    This is entirely accurate and is why I left my job working in a corporate office. Finding a remote position has been one of the best things I've ever done for my mental health and productivity.
  • As a person who has worked in an office and now works from home this is 100% accurate🤣
  • Brad in a video of Brad watching a video of Brad 😵‍💫
  • @patriciaa4451
    Going from an open plan office to work from home is amazing. I spend time with my hyper energetic cat, on cold days I can work in bed & when I'm feeling lazy I can zone out for hours. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's an introvert's dream.
  • @roche320
    I just realised that there are actually people who finish all their assigned work within their workday. As a teacher I have not experienced this. It's go, go, go from the moment you walk in until the moment you walk out, and then it repeats when you get home. Weekends are great because you can work without having to teach at the same time.
  • Work from home has been a life changer for me. While some team managers / companies are really cool with it, I know others just can't stand thinking about their office buildings sitting empty since they probably can't sell them away easily. Or they're old-fashioned micro-managers that don't trust people to get the work done.
  • @zaboe911
    That, "Oh, it's raining today 🙂" was spot on. You know it's going to be a good WFH day when it's drizzling out!
  • @egrace67
    Very accurate😁 My son has been remote since 2020 and can’t imagine ever going back- His goal was to work for this company after getting his degree but didn’t want to live in California- fast forward to 2020, hired into the company and able to remain living in Michigan- He flies out to CA two to three times a year for corporate team “fun weekends” 😁 my husband and I are very envious😁 Three of our five sons have remained working remotely and love it-
  • I have been remote since March 2020. I treat it like school and jail....I AINT EVER GOING BACK!
  • Been fully remote for 6 years and this is super accurate. I don't miss the office at all. I love waking up at 7:57, watching Ghostrunners pods and Jean Shorts videos during the day, and not having to commute. Life is good at home!
  • I just started my first corporate job this summer and it's fully remote, and it is soooo 100% true....but you missed the part where you get kind of lonely sometimes just never leaving your house and don't see people anymore lol. I'm an introvert and even this gets to me after a while