《Kinitv快报》伊党议员称火箭索土地掀骂战;纳吉居家服刑希望落空 - 2024年7月3日

Published 2024-07-03

All Comments (9)
  • @akestima64
    My goodness! The opposition is so terribly desperate to the extent! I wish fellow Malaysian the wisdom and clarity to observe so as to not to make the wrong choice.😮
  • 国会每天tarik balik , 真的是浪费人民的钱和时间。😅
  • These jil !! Is to much!! Like a mad mad jil! No standard in t Dewan !!
  • 1:15 哈哈騙子?國會的騙子何止他啊?那些給了承諾不準備履行承諾的是否是騙子呢??