The Faces Behind Mass Effect Characters

Published 2017-03-07

All Comments (21)
  • I can’t imagine how weird it would be to bump into real life commander Shepard
  • Holy crap the actress who was the model for Jack is absolutely beautiful.
  • @RasoKye
    Shepard is a fictional character, he cant hurt you. Vanderloo: Report to the ship as soon as possible. I should go.
  • @gibster9624
    So is Legion based on the little Pixar lamp?
  • @BingBangPoe
    Fun fact: Mordin's facial wrinkles and squinting were made after Clint Eastwood to give him a more "experienced" appearance compared to the other Salarians.
  • @xtreme65
    Um Illusive Man is clearly modeled after a younger Martin Sheen. (who also does the voice)
  • @blowmebiatch
    Its confirmed. Everyone in the Mass Effect universe (including the aliens) is a model. Now you can imagine Wrex doing his little dance on the catwalk.... as if you weren't already.
  • @sirisatt7112
    You have to have an amazing jawline to be in mass effect
  • @onlycorndog6322
    Got the chance to meet Mark Meer at a con a few years ago. He's genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met. He gave the guy infront of me in line a new ringtone: "I'm commander Shepard and this is my favorite ringtone on the Citadel". His Shepard cosplay was also fantastic!
  • @theresa4622
    The unknown for Zaeed looks really spot on. I know Robin Sachs voiced him but I thought he was the character model too. Robin passed in 2013. At the time one of the Facebook Mass Effect Multiplayer groups held a tribute for him was a helluva good time. We ran gold and platinum levels with just 'Jessie' and incendiaries was crazy fun.
  • @Stevie-74
    And here I was hoping I'd see EDI's model. Devastated.
  • @TheDustyForest
    holy shit of all of these that guy IS Zaeed, that resemblance is insane, definitely the best modelling job they did imo
  • @steventan2754
    It should be illegal to be as hot as Jack. And she's not just a pretty face either, Courtenay Taylor breathed soul into her and made her one of the best characters in gaming for me.
  • @Eisenwulf666
    James Vega : that guy at your local gym ,in every local gym there's one .
  • @Darkfoot21
    HUH? We all know the Illusive Man is just Martin Sheen
  • @JayIceColdD
    Met Luciano at a convention. Dude is incredibly laid back and friendly.