What Muslims SHOULD Study

Published 2024-07-19
In this video, we answer the question of what Muslims seeking deeper knowledge of their religion should study. A lot of Muslims have become aware of the need to learn more about their religion. Many are not clear on the exact route to take. In this video, we give a few suggestions that we believe can be of help. Let us know your thoughts in the comments! #islam #muslims #islamicstudies

All Comments (14)
  • I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis among us, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if one of us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716649494 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~«««~-♡~♡~♡~~•~•~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~~♡♡♡;~،~~.، ~:~¡~¡~¡،،~;:I.i.i.i.i.ii!}𝖊≋𝖊𝖊~≋𝖊. i.I.|-◖,'˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˹˛˹˛˹`/,˛,`,.;!.|ii,,.];&&;&;🕋☪️☪️
  • Qur'an is first, Hadiths are beautiful. I'm not into those who like to dispute over Allah. The Qur'an is every aspect of our living as human beings on this planet for which is in the heavens along with everything else.
  • Alhamdulillah. I agree again, Sheikh😅 this video probably wasnt directly for me after almost 30 years, but i would like to just concur. i started on Bukhari and Muslim, much earlier than I was ready, so YES, these two collections should be maybe level 2 classes. Going out in jumaat has been the best teacher for me. Jumaat is like full immersion learning. Also, The Reliance of the Traveller is also good fiqh book, that compiles all the madhabs and shows where they all agree or have differences in opinion, was/is helpful for me to find fiqh hadith in one place. Allah guide us all to and keep us all on Siratul Mustaqeem. JazakumAllah khairun, Dear Sheikh!✌🏽🖤🤗
  • I totally agree with you brother. Though I am a Muslim follower of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan we need to study Islam and its history then build. Then we can discuss our teachings and the teachings of the Messenger of Allah, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
  • @Mano-eu9dp
    Assalamu Alaikum, couldn't agree more with this.
  • I tend to agree with what the sheikh said regarding the moon splitting and also about rasul Isa. The return of Jesus is vital for the Christians, but it makes no sense for Islam as our deen is already complete. Thank you for the video
  • Assalamu 'alaikum rahmatullahi wa barakatuh السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته “If Allah intends goodness for someone, He gives him Fiqh فقه‎ of the Deen دين (Understanding of the religion) There is one thing we both can agree on as Muslimsمسلمون in the worship of our Sustainer Allahالله Subhanahu wa ta'ala سبحانه و تعالى Muslimsمسلمون that belong to the 72 sects of Muslimsمسلمون out of 73 going to Jahannam جهنم in the last days LACK READING COMPREHENSION, because Allahالله Subhanahu wa ta'ala سبحانه و تعالى made the Deen دين EASY Alhamdulillahالحَمْد لله
  • The book you mentioned that deals with moral refinement. Could I have that name and author written out. Thanks
  • The One authored A Book and it is in multi verse. Also in quantum mechanics. It is trillions of years old and humans would just let it go? 😓