Why He Got Rejected With 4.6 GPA 1590 SAT Score

Published 2023-06-17
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#admissions #harvard #asianamerican

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All Comments (21)
  • @garydare2238
    Affirmative Action would be better if it were class-based, race-blind ... that way, black and latino students would still be covered but expanded to include disadvantaged Asian groups (e.g., Hmong in MN), Appalachian whites, etc.
  • Guy needs to get it together.... He's up against Legacy students, Athletes, Family of Donors, Staff or Professors. He's also up against other valedictorians or people with just as great or better scores. Perhaps it's his persona.
  • Wait till these Asian American kids learn about the bamboo ceiling and western office politics. Affirmative action is a small hurdle compared to competing against Yt people for promotions in the USA.
  • @wamyy5
    This topic is why my Stanford rejection video blew up - I only discussed affirmative action as a possibility, but there are enough people who know that race indeed plays a large factor, even though scores aren’t everything. After getting hundreds of comments about me being rejected because of the color of my skin, I mustered up the courage to make my latest YT video that speaks up for the Asian community. Andrew and David, you are the biggest source of my inspiration to finally release that video. Thank you for spreading awareness for Asians ❤
  • We don't know about his personal statements and other factors. Affirmative action helps Asians which isn't being said - for many Southeastern Asians such as Vietnamese/Cambodian/Laotian/Thai, Filipinos, Pacific Islanders, other non-Chinese Asians - immigrant and working class kids. It gives them a chance versus most wealthier and more established Chinese who were provided more. This kid used golf for example - a pretty expensive sport to support. I doubt his life adversities matched other applicants including non-Chinese Asians as well. Why isn't this said?
  • @MrBjorn6
    He got rejected from many schools from California schools that have no affirmative action. UC Berkeley is mostly Asian and so is Cal Tech.
  • @ajohnson8333
    Legacy admissions policy are the issue. The African American students are under represented at all 6 to universities he applied to. No research was done….
  • Although Asian Americans do not receive benefits from Affirmative Action, at most top schools Asians are the second highest in the demographics behind white people despite only making up about 7% of American citizens. In general, Latinx and black communities are under resourced, leading to a bad education. People in those communities need some type of advantage to break the cycle of being at the bottom of society. If everything was blind admissions, only students who have gone to schools and grew up in communities with great opportunities and role models would get in, further keeping underrepresented communities at the bottom. The idea of “meritocracy” is to prevent underrepresented communities from attempting to get to the same level as middle to upper class communities (which normally consist of majority white Americans and some Asian American).
  • I appreciate everyone's take on this topic. As a current student, I loved this discussion. Most schools, especially Ivy League schools, don't use affirmative action in their selection process. California has actually banned it. Also, affirmative action has benefited yt women more than it has benefited any minority group. Lastly, just because a person gets an amazing score on their SAT doesn't mean they excelled in other aspects of their life. It could be that he was up against students who had a much more extensive extracurricular list than he did, students who were more personable and better speakers, or students who exuded better leadership skills than he did. Getting a great score doesn't mean you are a great leader, it just means you studied. Ultimately, legacy kids make up over 30% of Ivy League admissions...he's attacking the wrong group of people, which speaks for his mindset.
  • @ktan8
    Beyond grades, the admission committee wants to see that you're an "interesting" person to have in the school. Trying to get into a school using a standard formula like grades wouldn't help with the "interesting" test.
  • @nicolasmith7672
    This will affect the Asian community very badly. He got played. Also he could have some other issues. Check his mental state. Thank good there are HSBC where blacks can go to.
  • @lenliu749
    1st off: Alvin is hilarious in this! 2nd off: We as asians need to work on being well rounded people. I work at a law firm and the asians at the firm are smarter and harder working than everyone else but are not assertive and don't do well at parties and social functions. That's not the type of personality that is going to lead to promotions to leadership positions. Strong academics can only get you so far in life.
  • @flyrodmike
    The lack of meritocracy based advancement in the US is going to be our downfall, when we compete against countries who advance people based on merit. The most capable people need to rise to the top for a country to compete in a technological world.
  • Why do you assume he has no personality ? Why do you assume he is robotic ? There is a little bit of self-racism going on here especially with the Comedian trying to look cool and "non-Asian". There should be no question John Wang was discriminated against. As for whether that's a death sentence for his future, of course not. His future is up to him to define and that's fine to give him the encouragement to pursue his dreams regardless of what college he lands in. My personal opinion is that for the sake of peace and stability, we need to continue to have affirmative action programs at colleges. However, let's not find ways to denigrate Asian people who are deserving but left out. Asians shouldn't need to try to be "cool", "part of the crowd", "great personality", "super jock" etc. These are exactly the attributes (or lack thereof) that are thrown subjectively at us as a negative so why are we subscribing to these as model attributes ? Just be yourself and yes find passion and interests outside of school curriculum is good. But the discussion you guys are doing skews much more to the former. You guys are great and I enjoy your shows but be aware of that.
  • @reginayfavors
    I'm going to add a comment I made on this topic on a different channel. Take it however way you want. A black woman developed the COVID vaccine: Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett. Elite institutions are always looking for moneymakers, i.e., people who will create something that can be commercialized. Black people are the true inventors and creators. Black people are the engines of American society, some parts good and other parts bad. It's like Latino Americans now saying they are about to run Hip Hop. They may have some influence, but it is black people who make it what it is, some parts good and other parts bad. Asian Americans will have to do more than merely put up numbers. They will have to bring in money to these institutions. This is why Harvard grabbed Dr. Corbett because they knew that there will be grants and federal funding for decades to come. That's what Asian Americans do not understand. Asians will attend these elites but only the ones who bring in money, i.e., international students. Great video. New subscriber.
  • @vasgorhn3322
    Love how Alvin made them panic a little at the start "HE IS A COMEDIAN! ALVIN IS A COMEDIAN! THESE ARE JOKES!"😂
  • @juliaraye7131
    My son was in the Duke Tip program since 8th grade due to not missing any problems on math standardized testing in 7th grade. He made all a As up to 10th grade. He made around 1300 in SAT in 2021. But that year, Duke had 40000 freshman applicants. They took 1400 freshmen. I was very proud of my son. We overcame homelessness, Seizures and and he got his grades back up, and he still got an interview at Duke. To be fair, the Validictorian had a 4.8..... GPA in his high school in Virginia as she had taken college classes and AP classes while in high school. I think he has points, but more than likely, they had small class and many high achieving scholars. The key is did he get accepted or did he get accepted with scholarships? I'm from GA, and GA Tech is a fantastic school just don't tell the bumblebees I said that. I am a bulldog for life.
  • i thought his score was impressive until i read a bout a 17yr old black kid who scored a 1600 lol