Freud's Biographer on Why Freud and Psychoanalysis is a Fraud - DYLAN AAMES EP 7

Published 2022-11-02
Frederick Crews is a literary critic and English Professor Emeritus at Cal Berkeley. He has written numerous books on Freud, including "Memory Wars" and "Freud: Making of an Illusion,"

All Comments (21)
  • @hjsimpson
    Fantastic interview. So glad you arranged it when you did. RIP Dr. Crews.
  • @karate4348
    Freud abandoned his patients. Women who he realised were likely sexually abused by their male family members...some of whom were his colleagues' families!.. Dilemma. By the time he was about to present his paper on this, he was being pressured not to by the Viennese (not religious) Jewish upper 'circles'. He acknowledged that he'd been sexually abused when he was a toddler....Letters currently still hidden are thought to include his concern that his father abused him as well...At about this time, he rushed off to Italy for a break...He had a writing block and was likely on the brink of deeper awareness of himself. His brother hastened to join him in Italy and there's nothing like a family member in denial to shut down realising of any unhealthy family secrets. He returned to Vienna? withdrew his paper from presentation. He had a colleague with whom he'd been collaborating on his first more truthful observations about his patients, who went ahead to present more brave paper and went on to have a heart attack a week later. It was then that Freud came up with the utter tripe of the Oedipus complex..basically finding babies as you have outlined. Basically Freud and Jung were oriented around fame and Bering clever, with backgrounds in experience of neglect and sexual abuse and the arcane respectively. They fell out because Jung found Freud's scrutinization around sexual matters too cruddy and Jung's occult connections frightened Freud. Their ginormous egos clashed. There was quite a cultish and certainly boys club feel to the 'professions' of both. Freud's nephew? went on in America to design mind manipulation advertising psychology to capitalism and herstory, truth and suffering was dumped for the boys of course puffing self defining themselves. Both freud and jung actively denied the reality of sexual abuse by individuals and groups and left millions across the world who could have had their reality and needs addressed sooner, lived longer and suffering less. I'm not bothering to do an academic treatise, with references and polish as I don't think these guys did much that people already knew.. They were clever and lifted each other as academics and men often do..egos and need for prestige etc being what it is for many who could not access healthy connection enough as children.. Many people have taken their lives as patients of psychiatrists and analysts because they were subject to the dribbling nonsense distracto-diatribe of some of Freud's very theories with no reference to real life harm of children within families. Elite groups who abuse children were likely connected with Freud and likely still are with the Tavistock, London etc. These establishments or rather good and often naive practitioners and academics do good solid work also in these establishment and the confusion adds to the cover up. There is much more to the Freudian slips and slipperiness..than we have yet to realise. Sorry you overlook the reality of repression, children drugged, threatened, and fragmented into parts who may present as forgetful. That's quite a twist, because you seem more interested in Freud's lies, than the pain of survivors and how perpetrators cover that up.
  • The main problem with psychoanalysis is that it does not permit honest disagreement. It’s adherents impose their beliefs on clients. The main problem is the harm of this.
  • @MaxWaldron
    Nonetheless, what come from Freud and colleagues in the form of Pschodynamics, continues to influence basic assumptions about human nature, eg. the power of the Unc. mind, the profound importance of early childhood, and the fact that memory is fundamentally dynamic. May I add, there is, The International Society for Neuro-Psychoanalysis. A group that have integrated two disciplines. To form a bridge between fields. They have validated some Freud.
  • @fundseconomics
    Great to see this guy live. He's must be 89 or 90. He's super fit and focused. I can only recommend his book. Was interesting. The interview as well, thanks for doing it :)
  • @JR-py3yq
    An important point about psychoanalysis: Most ordinary people equate the term “psychoanalysis” with “psychotherapy”; however psychoanalysis is more properly a specific treatment mode/choice in the psychotherapy toolkit. Psychoanalysis is not a treatment for major mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These conditions require treatment by medical doctors.
  • @norbertk9595
    This is an outstanding discussion. Frederick Crews' books on Freud are models of clear and rigorous thinking. Crews' essays -- published in the New York Review of Books -- on so-called "Intelligent Design" and Big Pharma are not to be missed.
  • @ameya6702
    It would be equally curiously intriguing to listen to the critique of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity by this Phd Professor in "English Literature."
  • @esahm373
    Some deliberate efforts are being made to reintroduce Freudian teachings into modern Clinical Psychology rebranded as "Schema Therapy"!
  • @RobCarmina
    The incest enacted by Oedipus wasn't intentional, however - at the end of Sophocles' play, after the truth finally comes to light, Jocasta (his mother) hangs herself, while Oedipus, horrified at his patricide and incest, proceeds to gouge out his own eyes in despair. How can this be a natural psychological inclination, when the realisation of what you have done leads to self-annihilation? Freud was subverting a myth - using the 'kudos' of myth as a basis for his essential theory. It makes no sense, psychologically, that human beings should be, from birth, driven by unnatural impulses, when they are themselves part of nature. These impulses can, of course, develop as a result of the individual's response to life as he/she grows up - but they are not 'innate'.
  • The human is a religious being/animal ! That's just how we developed as a species. These Freudians are just as religious as anyone else 😊
  • @alinbarba1418
    The description says he wrote many books on Freud, what I am more interested in is what has he read of Freud? And he wrote about Freuds life, but what is his framework for criticism of his theories? That he wrote about his life and he concluded that he was a liar high on cocaine and a pervert, thus he actually has no merit?
  • @bobatea5406
    32:31 Here’s why the analogy doesn’t work. If the suspect says “I’m innocent.” That proclamation is not then taken as EVIDENCE that he is in fact guilty, which is what psychoanalysis does with the concept of “repression”.
  • @berkcimen1736
    “Defence mechanisms” the term actually belongs to anna , his daughter,
  • @elhierofanteok
    There are some cuts of Freud, from the beggining even, that seems to be biased in favor of the thesis. Freud recognize where he get the ideas. Indeed Freud mentions Albert Moll and Havelock Ellis, for example. He mentions Kraft-Ebing on libido, attraction and repulsion forces on Brücke, Umhemlich from Schelling, Nmemonic Image from Wernicke. The only one that Freud does not mention is Sabina Spilrein on death drive becuase was Jung's wife. The thing with "Practicing Science" is utterly wrong, not just a bit, is blatantly wrong. The scientific tradition in Psychology has three major sources: german style that is the laboratory based founded by Wundt, the english style based on statistics founded by Darwin's cousin Francis Galton and the french style that was based on psychiatric wards mainly on clinical cases, championed by Martin Charcot. Freud was educated in France in neurology and indeed some of his firsts papers without Breuer were written in french because of this. Indeed what Freud did in his time was a good framework for medicine, because this patients, for example, in United States were taken by religious insititutions like the New Thought and Freud gave to the medical institutions tools to build a frame and take care of patients with no signal of physical illness. The good science on psychology was not invented until Harry Gold developed the double blind studies in the 1950's, twenty years after Freud's death.
  • @2.A963
    It sounds like frued is a narcissistic imposter