Cleaning the windows at a friend's home πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Published 2022-05-14
Well, I got the pressure washing part out of the way. Now it's time to clean this glass up! They're NOT going to clean THEMSELVES!

I wanted to do a thorough first clean and take off any paint overspray on the glass. This is usually the process on every first cleaning and can achieve outstanding results. If there is silicone-- Usually I will break out the Magic Erasers and bronze/steel wool. A little "elbow grease" goes a long way.

As always, use a razor at your own risk. If you don't want to use a blade, you CAN use plastic cards or plastic razor blades. I'm not here to tell you which is wrong or right. (New windows usually will have stickers on how to clean them or what to use and NOT use)

Anywho- Figured I could get some good coverage on this house. I am not really in the habit of filming, usually I am just focused on getting the job out of the way. Might as well have some fun while I am at it! Another project out of the way! My friend is thrilled with the results. Now he is ready to move in his family and enjoy the new purchase!


#windowcleaning #kdwindowcleaning #cleaning

Music by Karl at WHITE BAT AUDIO-- The best copyright free music on Youtube!

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